可是苦于不熟悉MAC OS软件环境,或者MAC OS下压根就不存在对应的windows软件。 要找到一款适合在MAC OS下面的轻量级文本编辑器,真是太不容易了。有时候在淘宝花钱购买,都不一定能够找到合适的软件。 老版本2.3 现在我告诉你,Notepad--是一款支持windows/MAC OS /linux的跨平台文本编辑器,可以在MACOS 上面保持和windo...
Find the best programs like Mac Notepad for Mac. More than 6 alternatives to choose: NotePad, WordPad, gedit and more
Mac Notepad also called iNotepad for Mac is a text editor that provides a user interface and features focused around technologies unique to Apple devices. Far from being a simple replacement for Microsoft's Notepad Mac Notepad provides powerful and innovative organizational features letting you collect...
在Mac电脑上安装Notepad++ 的具体步骤:【1】 下载 WineBottler 1.6.x()【2】 将 WineBottler.app 和 Wine.app 复制到你的Mac上. 【3】运行WineBottler. 在“Download” 选项中搜索 “notepad” ,点击 “Notepad++”【4】 为App命名.。【5】完成后在”on my Mac“中运行Notepad+...
Notepad+ for Mac Notepad+forMac是由MacOS用户打造的代码编辑器软件,因Notepad+forMac简单易用、功能强大、扩展性强而深受广大编程开发学习用户的喜爱和推荐。支持目前主流的几十种编程语言,可以同时编辑多重文档,还可以自定义语言;您可以免费下载。 Notepad+ for Mac是由Mac OS用户打造的代码编辑器软件,因Notepad+...
Notepad++ Mac版是由Notepad++官方专为广大的Mac OS用户打造的代码编辑器软件,因其简单易用、功能强大、扩展性强而深受广大编程开发学习用户的喜爱和推荐。支持目前主流的几十种编程语言,可以同时编辑多重文档,还可以自定义语言。更多强大的功能等你来一一发现。
Mac Notepad is a Mac OS X note pad program in which you can paste and copy any piece of text you may want to have at hand everyday. Mac Notepad is designed from the ground up to support the latest Apple technologies and provides everything you need to be more productive in your work...
NotePad for Mac, free and safe download. NotePad latest version: A Free Productivity program for Mac. NotePad is a handy, free Mac software.
VikingOSX User level: Level 10 118,907 points Oct 30, 2023 7:53 AM in response to KishoreBabu_Ch You might consider the Apple Silicon (not the Intel or Universal) build of the free Visual Studio Code for Mac. The Notepad - Text Editor in the Mac App Store is a plain text dumb...
Notepad++ equivalent for Mac? So, is there a Notepad++ equivalent for Mac? I'm not interested in virtualization (running a Windows program on Mac using a VM, Wine, or Parallels). I just want something as good or similar to Notepad++ that runs natively under macOS. I had been using Tex...