【notepad++】更换主题 Textmate Theme Directory下载主题; 用文本编辑器把它打开,复制所有代码,贴到theme converter page里,然后“Download”; 保存; 在Notepad++中选择设置->导入->导入主题;或者直接copy到Notepad++安装目录Notepad++\themes下; 导入后,选择设置->语言格式设置,选择新的主...
步骤/方法 1 请先到「ThemesGallery」选择你喜爱的主题(一般都会有主题的预览),接着下载主题档案,并复制档案内的所有内容。以「Idlefingers」这个主题为例:下载文件→解压后可得「idleFingers.tmTheme」这个档案,用文本编辑器打开(例如Notepad++),复制全部的内容(Ctrl+A)。(主题预览) 2 接着到「Textmatethe...
一. 1.到Textmate Theme Directory下载主题; 2.用文本编辑器把它打开,复制所有代码,贴到theme converter page里,然后“Download”; 3.保存为xml文件; 4.在Notepad++中选择设置->导入->导入主题;或者直接copy到Notepad++安装目录Notepad++\themes下; 5.导入后,选择设置->语言格式设置,选择新的主题就可以了。 来...
我个人使用的是 Nexus 主题和 Flatland Dark 配色,配置如下: "theme": "Nexus.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Flatland/Flatland Dark.tmTheme", 1. 2. 效果如下: # 编码(Coding) 优秀的编辑器使编码变的更加容易,所以 Sublime Text 提供了一系列功能以提高开发效率。 # 良好实践(Good...
Neon has a superb combination of colors and a whopping around 1462 downloads with dedicated support for editors as well. It has a black background but at the same time, it comes with a combo that includes white, yellow, pale, and green colors. Dracula Notepad++ Theme The Dracula theme ...
"theme":"Nexus.sublime-theme","color_scheme":"Packages/Theme - Flatland/Flatland Dark.tmTheme", 效果如下: # 编码(Coding) 优秀的编辑器使编码变的更加容易,所以 Sublime Text 提供了一系列功能以提高开发效率。 # 良好实践(Good Practices) 良好的代码应该是规范的,所以Google为每一门主流语言都设置了其...
This notepad++ theme comes with beauty and it comes with a number of different colours combined to make writing codes very easy. This high contrast theme includes pinks, whites, blues and a dark background for more visibility. [button-red url=”https://lonewolfonline.net/uploads/downloads/Tec...
The new Windows 11Notepaduses RichEdit and runs on up-to-date Windows 11 installations. In addition to a Windows 11 look with rounded corners and a dark-theme option, the new Notepad includes several standard RichEdit editing enhancements, such asAlt+xfor entering Unicode characters, Ctrl+} ...
[Spacegray Light](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Theme- Spacegray) [Spacegray Dark](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Theme- Spacegray) 配色(Color) colorsublime 包含了大量 Sublime Text 配色方案,并支持在线预览,配色方案的安装教程在 这里,恕不赘述。
(normal text). fix auto-completion detection language bug. fix the changing theme settings makes switch back to the default theme bug. make english.xml customizable. notepad++ 5.8.6 screenshots upload screenshot upload screenshot upload screenshot upload screenshot upload screenshot upload screenshot...