一、下载 HexEditor 插件 二、解压文件 解压下载的压缩包文件,得到一个 HexEditor.dll 文件 三、将插件放置到 plugins 目录下 将插件 HexEditor.dll 放到 notepad++ 安装目录的plugins目录下 四、重启软件测试 插件-> HEX-Editor -> View in Hex 效果如下:...
Notepad++ Plugins is a collection of tools and plugins which add essential functionality to Notepad++. Notepad++ Plugins includes Explorer, Function List, Hex Editor, Spell Checker and a console program NppExec. To install Notepad++ Plugins, simply download the .zip file and place the PluginManage...
1、下载 HexEditor.dll 2、将HexEditor.dll放到NotePad++安装目录下的【plugins】目录下; 3、退出Notepad++,然后重新打开; 4、点击【插件-->Hex-Editor--->Vew in Hex】,即可实现16进制显示。 下载路径: http://download.csdn.net/my 上传者:azhangyi188时间:2017-08-29 ...
Step 1: Installing Plugin Manager If you don’t have a plugin manager installed, you can use the GitHub Plugin Manager to install the hex editor plugin. To install the plugin manager, open the GitHub Plugin Manager website. Once you have downloaded the plugin manager, extract the files to ...
12 Commits HexEditor_0_9_5_src add Logger Jul 14, 2014 README.md Initial commit Jul 4, 2014 hello.txt haha Jul 4, 2014 Repository files navigation README hexeditor modify notepad++ hexeditor plugin according to my requirement Releases ...
1. texfx v0.24a 2. nppexec v0.2 rc3.2 3. spell checker v1.3.1 4. explorer plugin v1.7.1 5. hex editor v0.84 6. base64 encoder/decoder v1.2 7. ftp_synchronize v0.9.6 8. nppexport v0.2.6 9. compare plugin v1.5.1 notepad++ 4.8 screenshots upload screenshot upload screenshot ...
Notepad++安装HexEditor插件 一、Notepad++、HexEditor Notepad++想必大家都使用过或者正在使用,它是 Windows操作系统下一套很好用的文本编辑器,轻巧、免费并且开放源代码,遵循GPL协议,支持众多计算机语言...但是在Notepad++最新版本上安装HexEdit插件和之前的方法不同了,做此纪录 二、安装包获取 Notepad++下载: https:...
1. texfx v0.24a 2. nppexec v0.2 rc2 3. spell checker v1.3.1 4. quick text v0.02 5. explorer plugin v1.6.1 6. hex editor v0.84 7. base64 encoder/decoder v1.2 8. ftp_synchronize v0.9.5.0 9. nppexport v0.2.5.0 notepad++ 4.7 screenshots upload screenshot upload screenshot upload...
When a user starts Notepad++ for the first time, "%APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\Config"-folder is usually not be available. The HexEditor plugin somehow relies on it but does not create it automatically. The following behaviour has been ob...
http://download.csdn.net/download/dadoneo/3162895 从这里下载的哈。 Notepad++的插件 ComparePlugin.dll ctags.exe docMonitor.unicode.dll Explorer.dll FileSwitcher.dll GmodLua.dll guidguard.dll HexEditor.dll MultiClipboard.dll NppAutoIndent.dll NppCC ompletionPlugin.dll NppExec.dll NppExport.dll Npp...