You can use the extended search and replace to achieve this (Ctrl-H keyboard shortcut): If by "automatic" you mean having it happen immediately when you paste, I don't believe Notepad++ supports that. You'd have to write a custom plugin. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Mar...
File > Save On Lose Focus submenu allows automatic saving of the document when program's window loses focus, similarly to Vim's au FocusLost * :wa. Saving doesn't occur if any of these is true: #164current document is unsaved (Untitled), not modified or read-only window is not ...
\"UserSettings.ps1\" Param\n(\n [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]\n $MsixPackageRoot,\n\n [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]\n $MsixWritablePackageRoot \n)\n \n$path = \"Roaming\\Notepad++\"\n \n# Create MSIX AppData path \n$path = New-Item -type directory -path \"$(($MsixWritablePa...
Avoid using new if you can use automatic variable. However, avoid shared_ptr as much as possible. Prefer unique_ptr instead. Don't place any "using namespace" directives in headers. Compile time is without incidence. Increasing compile time to reduce execution time is encouraged. Code legibilit...
The approach to fix the problem by turning the shell extension into a traditional shell entry is something done in the native registry while in monitoring mode, so paths should look "normal". But I did take a look this morning at the solutions that I added for this...
“zero-width” vertical line topped by an x. But inside emoji ZWJ sequences, such as family emojis, the mode doesn’t break the sequence apart at the ZWJ’s and doesn’t reveal the ZWJ’s by the zero-width ZWJ glyph. And classic Notepad doesn’t display ZWJ sequences and emoji in ...
Windows 11 comes with the modern Notepad app that automatically replaces the old/classic Notepad program. The new Notepad UWP app supports color emojis, dark mode, RichEdit editing enhancements,Ctrl+}for toggling between matching brackets/parentheses, multilevel undo, drag & drop, and automatic URL...
Notepad4 (Notepad2⨯2, Notepad2++) is a light-weight Scintilla based text editor for Windows with syntax highlighting, code folding, auto-completion and API list for many programming languages and documents, bundled with file browser plugin matepath. -
automatic configuration script option Automatically create ODBC DSN connection with special port and password. Add-OdbcDsn cmdlet Automatically Print an Excel File to Specific Printer and No. Copies Automatically respond to a prompt? Automating printing to PDF Autosave or print webpages to PDF Avoid ...