Obesity has been discussed as the main driver for pediatric hypertension during the last few decades.5,8,10,27 The prevalence of hypertension is currently approximately 3% in youths with normal weight, 5% in youths who are overweight, and nearly 10% in youths who have severe obesity.1 Although...
Cort (2 mg/kg in a volume of 0.1 ml/10 g body weight) or vehicle (NaCl 0.9%) was administered i.p [7], while PAI-1, mature BDNF and tiplaxtinin were intrahippocampally infused. Experiment 1 (Fig. 3a–d): (1) Vehicle (NaCl 0.9%, n = 8). (2) Cort (2 ...
Russell RB, Green NS, Steiner CA, Meikle S, Howse JL, Poschman K, Dias T, Potetz L, Davidoff MJ, Damus K, Petrini JR: Cost of hospitalization for preterm and low birth weight infants in the United States. Pediatrics. 2007, 120: e1-9. 10.1542/peds.2006-2386. PubMed Google Scholar...
A and B indicate exons, with the intervening intron indicated for the higher-molecular-weight product. (iv) The ratio of each transcript as determined using TapeStation. Data from KL+, KL–, and WT are shown in red, blue, and green, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to ...
Take a compact car for example, the whole 500kW 10 car is burdened with a huge braking force from the starting driving speed of 130 Km/h to a halt which requires over 500kW (ten times of the engine power) of instantaneous braking power. The weight shifts to the front axle during ...
Interestingly, these two herbs can be used together as unique formulae named Fo-Shou-San (FSS), which contains RAS and RLC in a weight ratio of 3:2. FSS was prescribed for the treatment of women's ailments, especially obstetric diseases, including dystocia, vaginal bleeding with fetal ...