1. 新建文件D:\TestRequire\test.js: const ffi = require("ffi-napi"); var current = ffi.Library('ntdll.dll', { atoi: ["int", ["string"]], }); console.log("atoi: " + current.atoi("1000")); 2. 安装ffi-napi和pkg PS D:\TestRequire> npm i ffi-napi added 8 packages, and a...
1.环境安装 操作系统: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 1.1安装nvm ryan@ryan-900X5L:~/temp$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.4/install.sh | bash Note v0.33.4 is the latest version from creationix/nvm 安装好后,关闭重新打开terminal,输入nvm可以验证是否安装 安装目录默认是...
To make things clear, I have windows-build-tools installed and I set the npm config to python 2.7 folder. (64 bits node and python). C:\Users\Practicas02\Documents\Proyectos\Navegador Electron ADIF\Aplicacion Electron\electron_adif\app>npm install ffi-napi > ref-napi@1.4.0 install C:\...
到这里,没有报错信息,所有环境都安装好了, 最后我们输入 npm i 安装 package.json里面准备好的 ffi-napi PS D:\pratDemo\node_demo\node_dll> npm i npm WARN old lockfile npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, npm WARN old ...
Error:makefailed with exit code: 2 Error: node-gyp failed to rebuild '/Users/sfs/Desktop/Promethean/casting-electron/release/app/node_modules/ffi-napi'. For more information, rerun with the DEBUG environment variable set to "electron-rebuild". ...
1. 安装依赖模块 首先需要在node.js项目中安装调用动态链接库时需要依赖的模块ffi-napi,ref-napi,ref-array-napi,ref-struct-napi。 npm install ffi-napi npm install ref-napi npm install ref-array-napi npm install struct-napi 下面大概介绍一下这几个模块的用途: ...
安装时就会 fallback 到从 sdist 当场编译,然后你就很容易在一大堆编译错误之后看到一个安装失败…...
前言electron项目打包为win64后,运行npm run dev报错,内容为node_modules\ffi-napi\build\Release\ffi_bindings.node is not a valid Win32 application. 内容 重新打包win32 npm run