...到此思路也就有了,把所有文件中的 imports 信息取一个合集,然后从第一步的文件集合中找出未出现在 imports 里的文件即可。 4.7K60 如何在大型代码仓库中删掉 6w 行废弃的文件和 exports? ├──eslint-rule-typescript-unused-vars.js ├──eslint-rule-unused-vars.js ├──eslint-rule.js...
配置rules "no-unused-vars":"off",//or"@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars":"off","unused-imports/no-unused-imports":"error","unused-imports/no-unused-vars": ["warn", {"vars":"all","varsIgnorePattern":"^_","args":"after-used","argsIgnorePattern":"^_"} ], Prettier 和 ESLint ...
['react'], }, ], 'unused-imports/no-unused-imports-ts': 2, 'no-unused-expressions': 'off', '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions': 'error', 'prefer-template': 2, 'graphql/template-strings': [ 'error', { // Import default settings for your GraphQL client. Supported values:...
All imports are used, I tried removing all the imports and adding back only the ones used but it still complaining. On a different file I haveimport * as sinon from 'sinon';at line 4 which is throwing the same errorERROR: src/pathfinding/area.spec.ts[5, 1]: All imports are unused....
Linker incorrectly issues a warning LNK4199 /DELAYLOAD: ignored; no imports found from dll Linker looking for .lib instead of .dll Linking .ASM file to project Linking Error : Error LNK2022 metadata operation failed (8013118D) : Inconsistent layout information in duplicated types (_nlsversioninfo...
Talking of bank runs, looks like there’s a rumble on the markets on the way. One of the difficult things to do in a market swoon is to retain perspective. In ten years of investing I have never found a reliable source of alerts that was free. Sharepad, which I used for a few mo...
(most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pot-1.0-py3.6.egg/compression/utils/ac_imports.py", line 18, in <module> from libs.open_model_zoo.tools.accuracy_checker.\ ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'libs.open_model_zoo' During handl...
Namespace or type specified in the Imports '<qualifiedelementname>' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports '<qualifiedelementname>' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found 'Namespace' statement must end wi...
Another clue that energy production limits are being reached comes from the fact that the group of oil exporters, OPEC+, found that theycouldn’t actually ramp up their oil productionas quickly as they promised. Once oil production is cut back because of inadequate prices, it is hard to...
在执行导入React时,在Eslint (v 6.0.0)中始终获取规则‘no-useless catch’in not found‘的定义 、、 space-before-function-paren": 0, "prefer-const": "warn", "no-case-declarations 浏览50提问于2020-01-08得票数2 1回答 我怎样才能更漂亮地和ESLint一起工作呢?