Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de SantaDebarba, João FEmpresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de SantaHorticultura BrasileiraGONCALVES, P.A.S.; WERNER, H.; DEBARBA, J.F. Avaliacao de biofertilizantes, extratos vegetais e diferentes substancias alternativas ...
This IgG1 anti-HPA-1a shows a clear differential between HPA-1a-positive and HPA-1a-negative platelets at nM antibody concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The two recombinant reagents described are highly suitable for screening and confirmatory HPA-1a phenotyping. They permit rapid determination of the HPA-...
These factors have generated poor air quality and caused the development of a lot of symptoms known as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). In Brazil, there are few studies in this area, collected in this review to support researches and awareness of the need to adopt preventive measures to reach ...
mathematics have been an important influence on Kuhn. The paper indicates, furthermore, how Kuhn's intuitions concerning exemplars are being developped in the present, by plilosophers of science like Thagard, Paul ...
doi:10.1023/A:1016656812095M CostantiniP F CrookesR M BremnerS F HoeftT R DeMeesterRevista Brasilra De Finanas
Average prices paid by SUS are lower, while the prices paid by ATFP are higher than the reimbursed amounts from other countries.Gustavo L.A. de OliveiraJans B. IzidoroFelipe FerréSamuel R.A. e SousaFrancisco A. AcurcioELSEVIERvalue in health regional issues...
Goncalves D, Kozicki LE (1997) Perfis bioquimicos e imunologicos no periodo peripartal de vacas leiteiras com e sem retencao de placenta. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci 34:364-370GONCALVES, D.; KOZICKI, L. E. Perfis bioquimicos e imunologicos no periodo peripartal de vacas leiteiras com ...
Ten year-old 'Fuji Suprema' apple trees grafted on 'Marubakaido' rootstock, with a 'EM-9' interstem, had their fruits bagged with a transparent micro-holed plastic and non-textured fabric bags. Fruits were bagged right after hand-thinning, from nearly 40 days after flowering until ...