volume_up 取名 [qǔmíng] {动} EN volume_up name volume_up 为...取名 [wéi... qǔ mínɡ] {动} EN volume_up bename volume_up 给...取名 [ɡěi... qǔ mínɡ] {动} EN volume_up name 翻译 CN 取名 [qǔmíng] {动词} volume_up 取名 (又作: 任命, 命名, 指出...
“anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death”. Maybe they stopped using it to prevent none-Jews to get to know it and misuse it, or maybe superstition made them think that the name was too holy to
SSID is short for Service Set Identifier. All wireless networks have an SSID, in everyday speech often known only as network names or Wi-Fi names. You need to know or find this name in order to connect to a wireless network, usually in combination with a password. You can usually change...
OID value: OID description: id-ce-subjectAltName This extension contains one or more alternative names, using any of a variety of name forms, for the entity that is bound by the CA to the certified public key. This extension may, at the option of the certificate issuer, be eithe...
Being addressed by your name means that you are seen and recognised; you are not just another person in the crowd. The coach (or teacher or instructor) sees what you do and it is your performance that is ap- proved. This makes a difference when it comes to building up self-esteem and...
Given name Seo-Jin Steffen Thies Gerit Ryan Christina Surname/Collaboration Park Moritza Lüdtkea Pfuhlb Balzanc Andreoud Institute(s) Additional information Received Accepted Revised Published Online Name for correspondence Full address (Tel., E-Mail) aDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, ...
NOTE: There are some other family names whose origin is ‘other’ Germanic (Saxon or Frankish) but which are very close to Scandinavian forms: Enouf (Eginwulf), Anfray (Ansfrid), Anfri (Ansfrid), Geffroy (Gerdfrid), Gonfroy (Gunfrid), Rainfroy (Raginfrid), Rioult (Ridwulf). ...
Fordeler med Fastname SSL Det finnes flere ulike typer SSL-sertifikat, men felles for dem alle er å hindre innsyn for uvedkommende og sørge for en sikker og kryptert forbindelse med HTTPS mellom hjemmesiden og brukerens nettleser. ...
Place-name elements Most English place-names are made up of two elements (though some are three or more). In a two-element name, we call the first part the ‘prefix’ and the second part the ‘suffix’. In The Danelaw, the prefix is often the name of the person who held that sett...
certname="MyClient" pubfile="pub.cer" tmp="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -r "$tmp"' EXIT openssl genrsa -out "${tmp}/private.key" 4096 openssl req -new -key "${tmp}/private.key" -subj "/CN=$certname" -out "${tmp}/request.csr" ...