Complexity and conflicting grammars in language acquisition* Marit Westergaard University of Tromsø The current paper by Amaral and Roeper (henceforth A&R) presents many interes-‐ ...
Accounts of the Count-Mass Distinction: A Critical Survey* Frank Joosten FWO-Vlaanderen/KU Leuven, Belgium 0. Introduction The issue of what is usually, but also misleadingly (see below) called the count-mass distinction, i.e. the grammatical distinction between nouns that can be counted (e....
Refund:Fully refundable*** Baggage: 1 checked bag (à 23 kg) with Priority forPSO routesand selected routes** 2 checked bag (à 23 kg) with Priority for other routes Cabin baggage:Carry-on bag (55x40x20 cm) + Personal item (40x30x15 cm) (max 8 kg in total) ...
FILES *.bst Bibliography style files. btxdoc.tex ''BIBTEXing'' − LATEXable documentation for general BIBTEX users btxhak.tex ''Designing BIBTEX Styles'' − LATEXable documentation for style designers btxdoc.bib database file for those two documents xampl.bib database file giving examples...
*Fred. Olsen & Co. AS* *with origins back to 1848* The company has for decades been entrusted with the management of what today is Bonheur ASA, listed on t
Nash Game Approach of H2/H∞ Control for Stochastic Discrete-Time Systems with (x, u, v)-Dependent Noise* Hiroaki Mukaidani1, Chihiro Matsumoto2 and Ryousei Tanabata2 Abstract— H2/H∞ control problem for a class of stochastic discrete-time linear systems with state, control and external ...
* Publication of a novel class of methanol dehydrogenases: From the genome sequences we discovered thatB. methanolicusstrains surprisingly possess three differentmdhgenes; two chromosomal and one located on a plasmid. The organization of themdhgenes in PB1 and MGA3 were different and also biochemic...
THE EFFECT OF GENRE ON REPORTING SPEECH: CONVERSATIONS AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLES* Fleur van der Houwen Department of language and communication, VU University Amsterdam ABSTRACT. This article focuses on reported speech in two different genres: spoken conversation and newspaper articles. There are two basic...
*/ 348 public function offsetGet($id) 349 { Stack Trace#0 + /home/2/r/restaurantfauna/craft/app/framework/caching/CCache.php(49): CApplication->handleError(8192, "Return type of CCache::offsetExists($id) should either be compat...", "/home/2/r/restaurantfauna/craft/app/framework/ca...
Assessing multilingual lexical incorporation hypotheses through a primed picture-naming task* Jorge González Alonso - University of the Basque Country Abstract The incorporation of new representations into the mental lexicon has raised numerous questions about the organisational principles that govern the ...