BCNR33-024455Price(USD): $65000 Add to favorites You may call it a BRAND NEW SKYLINE GTR This one one of our cleanest and best modified GTRs. 1996 Skyline GT-R BCNR33 with 73,000 km true mileage (chassis mileage). The car has no rust, no mechanical or electric issues, all the...
探索Nissan Skyline GTR R33/R34 V-Spec N1赛道魅力 改装车行走天下 探寻GTR R32 V-SPEC 4K激情魅力 阿朔谈汽车 GTR女粉丝再现独特车声模仿秀 小霸王谈车 GTR聚会狂欢:经典Skyline车型大集合 AutoStar01 燃爆赛道的JDM传奇:GTR的魅力 车界趣评 GT-R与AMG GT在纽北赛道的激烈比拼 国奥越野 别用GTR...
日本知名跑车 GTR 相信大家都不会感到陌生,以出色的动力学设计以及造型感极强的外型设计风格在全球收获了众多粉丝,而其以往的经典系列也是 JDM 改装车爱好者们心中的梦想之物,今日一辆经典的 1995 年 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec R33 即将现身拍卖市场,引起众多改装车爱好者们的关注。 车辆2001 年进口至美国,采...
How to buy an R34, R33, or R32 GTR. Skyline GT-R specifications, alignment, repairs, parts, and modifications
The JDM R33 GT-R debuted in 1995, but never sold as well as the R32 GT-R. In the US in the early 2000's, the R33 GT-R was the most popular model. In January of 2020, the first Japanese domestic market R33 Skyline GT-R turn 25 years old, and will be FMVSS exempt, legal...
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我们已经循环播放了这个 Croydon Racing Developments R32 Nissan Skyline GT-R 视频超过 20 次,但仍然无法相信我们的眼睛。这辆车刚刚屠杀了六项世界纪录。观看视频并不需要很长时间,因为这款街头 GT-R 仅需 6.37 秒即可让任何 R35 Nissan GT-R尴尬。视频运行是位于澳大利亚克罗伊登的调谐器和30 多年前代号...
澳门东望洋大赛领先第2名BMW M3整整10秒,在澳洲Skyline GT-R更是直接被禁止参赛,从此Skyline GT-R就被取了个响叮当的称号「Godzilla」。 Nissan Skyline GT-R (R33) 1995年推出的NissanSkyline GT-R (R33),依然搭载RB26DETT引擎,虽然当时的方向据说向舒适妥协以便获得更好的销量,比R32的百公里加速时间慢了...
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For an exciting daily driver and occasional track day warrior, the Nissan Skyline turbo series is a proven High Performer!