With a spacious cabin and room for up to eight people, the Pathfinder is a capable family hauler but lacks the off-road skills of some competitors.
安全配置上,新车搭载了日产Safety Shield 360主动安全系统,并支持一系列新的功能,包括具备行人探测功能的AEB系统,车后行人/车辆检测,交通标志识别等.动力系统部分,新车将搭载日产3.5 L V6发动机,其最大功率约221 kW,最大扭矩为351 N·m.传动方面,与之匹配的是日产全新开发的9挡自动变速器,并提供两驱和四驱两种...
Battling SUV Big Boys; 2004 Nissan Pathfinder Armada Is Armed, Ready to GoRead the full-text online article and more details about Battling SUV Big Boys; 2004 Nissan Pathfinder Armada Is Armed, Ready to Go.By ScanlanDan