If you would post the unedited jpegs here, we could maybe help. The OP made 3 .nef files available for downloading. One can't do much better than that. . nzshooter's gear list: Nikon ZfNikon AF-S Nikkor 20mm f/1.8G EDNikon Z 50mm F1.8Nikon Z 85mm F1.8Nikon Nikkor Z 24-120...
Here is a decent review by user who I think fairly captures some of the advantages and disadvantages of the lens in real world shooting. Again, you can determine the utility and whether this lens is a tool you can use. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CBR-JEYDxOQ&pp=ygUMTmlrb24gNzAtM...
2023: Z8, Zf It took Nikon three years to introduce five new cameras. They may accelerate things a bit this year, but I seriously doubt that Nikon can exceed 2 to 3 new cameras in 2024. Nikon's focus is now FX and the higher end. I am looking forward to more higher-end, specialt...
Practical And Humorous Review Of The ZF By A Pro 4 months ago The only review on Youtube of the Nikon Zf that I have looked at that is honest, practical and made me want to buy one. Lenses he used on the body are mentioned and also comparisons to Fuji bodies. ...
https://www.youtube.com/@AdaptingCamera/videoshttps://adapting-camera.blogspot.com/2022/05/auto-focus-light-extender-for.html olyflyer's gear list: Nikon Z7 Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain Aural • Forum Member • Posts: 55 Re: Nikon Zf: Best Current 24MP for ...
My Z6 III arrived yesterday, but so far the "new" EVF has not impressed me that much. Especially indoors it looks a lot like the EVF of the ZF. Maybe it's me but I just don't see huge differences. But I have to test a lot more outdoors and in better light, maybe this changes...
Thank you. I was just watching review of this 40 f40 on YouTube by Matt Irwin. I think I’m going to try it. I might just try the 28 f2.8, for the price and it’s a focal length I like. ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain ...
Leica SL3-S initial review: the fastest Leica ever, yet strangely familiar preview1 week ago The Leice SL3-S is the company's fastest interchangeable lens camera: a 24MP full-frame L-mount mirrorless capable of 30fps. But, as you might expect, this comes at a price. 387 Fujifilm X-...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ9FcMa0li0 CAP2904's gear list: Nikon Z8Nikon ZfNikkor AF-S 300mm f/4E PF ED VRVenus Laowa 15mm F4 MacroNikon AP-F 70-300mm F4.5-5.6E+10 more ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain
I would say if you're looking for an upgrade on the cheap, the 24-120 is a good all-around lens for most things. Ricci on Youtube did compare the 24-120 and 24-70 and I think throughout the shared focal range, they were about the same. the 24-70 might be a tad sharper at ...