Nikerosherunmens’ objective is to create a truly inclusive and open-minded working atmosphere. We believe that empowering employees to think and act autonomously yields the best results. We strongly urge our employees to take on new challenges and use their creative thoughts in order to be innov...
一双Fragment Design x Nike Roshe Run LDV 鞋款在今日曝光,从设计上来看,与此前的 Nike Roshe LD-1000 非常相似,并以黑色皮革材质打造,定番的稻妻 Logo 则以刺绣的形式出现在后跟处。 Instagram 用户 lequan306 今日在个人账户中曝光了一双 Fragment Design x Nike Roshe Run LDV 鞋款,从设计上...
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