Nike was the ancient Greek goddess of victory--victory both in war and in peaceful competition. When Zeus was gathering allies at the start of the Titan War, Styx brought her four children Nike, Zelos, Cratus and Bia into the service of the god. Nike was
耐克空军一号胜利女神 Nike Air Force 1 Shadow Goddess of Victory 运动鞋 DJ4635-100。轻量增高拼接设计搭配解构风格的鞋身。Nike 的这几双撕纸运动鞋都能掀起一波撕纸风的潮流,后跟外侧的 GODDESS OF VICTORY 显示配色身份,配色来自卢浮宫三大镇馆之宝的萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神,巧妙地呼应了胜利女神雕塑。鞋面以灰...
白色网纱,胜利女神,耐克 Nike Air Force 1 Low Goddess of Victory 空军一号板鞋DM9461-100。鞋面用不同鞋材进行拼接,半透明网包裹的鞋舌,是胜利女神身上的纱衣。这双鞋子鞋身用白色皮革覆盖,鞋子后跟银色刺绣的 NIKE AIR 凸显主题。 穿鞋子观图标字母处示意...
品牌故事 1964年1月,当时身为俄勒冈州大学(UniversityofOregon)田径运动员的菲尔·奈特(PhilKnight)和他的教练比尔·鲍尔曼(BillBowerman)创建了耐克(NIKE)的前身:“蓝丝带体育”(BlueRibbonSports)公司。1972年,2位创始人决定开发并制造自主设计的鞋,并给这种鞋取名耐克...
Greek goddess of victory means NIKE English original intent. NIKE is a world renowned sporting goods brands, which was translated into Chinese as Nike. The Company is headquartered in Oregon, United States Beaverton. nike trademark symbol of the Greek goddess of victory, wings of feathers represent...
继Air Force 1 Low “Keep ‘Em Fresh”和 Nike Dunk “Flip The Old School”鞋款惊艳亮相之后,搭配全新的「撕纸」鞋面玩法。今天又有一双具有相同风格的 Nike Air Force 1 Shadow Low "Goddess Of Victory" 官图新曝光。 该鞋款以胜利女神像为设计灵感,在鞋外层包裹纸和鞋垫上印有胜利女神像的图案,鞋外...
Nike (Greek mythology) is the Greek goddess of victory, both in battle and in sport. The Romans knew her as Victoria, a name that obviously means "victory", and is still popular today. Nike was one of four children of the Titan god of war Pallas, and the Naiad Styx (not to be con...
胜利女神NIKKE日服官方正版(GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE)是由 Shift Up 开发并由Level Infinite发行的第三人称射击游戏。胜利女神NIKKE是一款身临其境的科幻 RPG 射击游戏,您可以在其中招募和指挥各种少女组成一支美丽的动漫女孩小队,专门挥舞枪支和其他独特的科幻武器。命令并收集具有独特战斗专长的女孩,以创建您的终极团...
Greek goddess of victory means NIKE English original intent. NIKE is a world renowned sporting goods brands, which was translated into Chinese as Nike. The Company is headquartered in Oregon, United States Beaverton. nike trademark symbol of the Greek goddess of victory, wings of feathers represent...
Nike is the Greek expression for 'Victory'. I am goddess Nike, the golden blest goddess of Victory, and I welcome you to my website where you will learn about my life & the world I live in. Eudaimon Eudaimon is the Greek expression for 'Good Spirit'. ...