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耐克(NIKE)耐克跑步鞋Air Presto FP女士日常缓震耐磨舒适百搭运动休闲鞋 Hyper Pink/Hyper Pink/Whi 35.5图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
此次联乘鞋款的鞋型以及科技应用以 Air Max 2013 作为主体,标志性的 Swoosh Logo 则更改为 Air Max 2015 的倒钩设计。三款配色包含 ‘Fossil’、’Pink’ 与‘Black’,’Fossil’ 配色已成近期双方联名的常客,使用类 共6 张 邋遢也爱... 12-30 1 airmax 2021鞋底不平 贴吧用户_... 新买的airmax...
These Nike Air Prestos are just the thing — the all-black upper for the performance lifestyle sneaker gets splashes of hot pink for that much needed contrast. The subtle thing about it all is that the brightness is only in the lining and a few Swoosh hits, peeking out and set against ...