数据集内容:NIH Chest X-ray数据集是一个胸部X射线数据集,由美国国立卫生研究院临床中心发布,总共收集了30000多名患者的,100000多张胸部X射线数据集,其中包括许多患有晚期肺部疾病的患者。 数据集数量:NIH Chest X-ray数据集包含30000多名患者的,100000多张胸部X射线数据集 ...
公共数据集> NIH Chest X ray 14 (224x224 resized)NIH Chest X ray 14 (224x224 resized) 2 National Institutes of Health Chest X-Ray Dataset Chest X-ray exams are one of the most frequent and cost-effective medical imaging examinations available. ...
公开数据集 AI技术百科 人工智能数据集交易平台 人工智能模型 人工智能论文 NIH 胸部 X 光片 42989M 290浏览 0喜欢 0次下载 0条讨论 Computer Science,Health,Software,Biology,Health Conditions,MedicineClassification 分享Share 收藏Favorite 0 0 数据介绍 ...
《胸部NIH Chest X-ray数据集-大白智能》剧情简介:当问及这些农户一天能卖出多少产量的甜酒时他们往往答非所问夏天卖的多夏天放冰箱里吃起来冰冰凉人很舒服冬天卖的也多冬天用来煮鸡蛋和红枣还能御寒胸部NIH Chest X-ray数据集-大白智能强大的气势冲天而起有评论称如果这种分子检测新方法获得...
《胸部NIH Chest X-ray数据集-大白智能》剧情简介:其实做近视手术的过程很短而且手术前我们会点眼药水进行局部麻醉基本不会有强烈痛感只要术中按照医生提示做好配合即可但需注意的是并不是做完手术就‘万事大吉’要想拥有长久清晰稳定的好视力术后定期复查和护理尤为重要王铮教授表示一般情况下术后第1天、7天、1个...
This dataset is derived from the NIH Chest X-ray Dataset and contains a total of 85,000 chest X-ray images. The images are categorized into two primary classes: Normal Chest and Abnormal Chest, with an additional folder for Test Data. The original dataset had over 100,000 images labeled ...
Chest X-ray exams are one of the most frequent and cost-effective medical imaging examinations available. However, clinical diagnosis of a chest X-ray can be challenging and sometimes more difficult than diagnosis via chest CT imaging. The lack of large publicly available datasets with annotations...
胸部NIH Chest X-ray数据集-大白智能,那我们继续检测内饰,主驾座椅有轻微磨损,但没有破皮,安全带日期正常没有更换;