"Please give me nightingale and I will reward you handsomely." So nightingale came to live in the palace. Everyday Nightingale sang for the emperor. Emperor was happy every time he heard Nightingale sing. "请把夜莺送给我,我会给你丰厚的回报...
夜莺飞走以后,对贵族说:“你放走我太遗憾了,我的翅膀下面有一枚大金币,如果你拿了,你会变得更富有。” 贵族听到这话以后,非常生气。他跳起来想要再次抓住夜莺。 夜莺朝他飞了过来,说:“现在我知道了,主人,你不仅贪婪而且还很愚蠢,你想要拿到这枚金币,你还相信了...
所属专辑:英语童话小故事课后读(四年级) 声音简介 译文: 33.夜莺 这个故事发生在许多年以前。从前有一只夜莺,它的歌声婉转动听,人们都非常喜欢它的歌声。国王知道后,就派人把夜莺抓到宫里来。 夜莺谈不上漂亮,但是它的歌声却能触动人的心弦。每个人都深受感动,国王也对拥有这样一只夜莺感到高兴。国王把夜莺留在...
The nightingale said: “My lord, my advice to you is to never be sorry for anything that cannot be brought back, and never trust any idle words.” 夜莺说:“我的主人,我给你的建议是永远不要为那些不能拿回来的东西感到抱歉, 也不要相信任何无用的话。” 今天的睡前故事就到这里啦! 下周五我们...
小学英语英语故事童话故事TheNightingale夜莺.doc,PAGE / NUMPAGES The?Nightingale?ҹݺ The Emperor of China is a Chinaman, as you most likely know, and everyone around him is a Chinaman too. Its been a great many years since this story happened in China
安徒生童话故事第:夜莺The Nightingale(2) 安徒生童话故事第25篇:夜莺The Nightingale But where was the nightingale to be found? The nobleman went up stairs and down, through halls and passages; yet none of those whom he met had heard of the bird. So he returned to the emperor, and said that...
夜莺nightingale童话安徒生皇帝皇上 安徒生童话故事第25篇:夜莺TheNightingale引导语:夜莺这篇安徒生,大家阅读与学习过?主要讲了什么?我们一起来阅读下文了解。你大概知道,在中国,皇帝是一个中国人;他周围的人也是中国人。这故事是许多年以前发生的;但是正因为这个缘故,在人们没有忘记它以前,值得听一听。这位皇帝的宫殿...
The Nightingale 夜莺 The Emperor of China is a Chinaman, as you most likely know, and everyone around him is a Chinaman too. It's been a great many years since this story happened in China, but that's all the more reason for telling it before it gets forgotten. The Emperor's ...
夜莺私语 by:吴栖源 6100 夜莺书店 by:哩个咙 1.1万 夜莺不来 by:南方榆钱 1万 夜莺与玫瑰 by:有声大可 503 夜莺与玫瑰 by:挽小主 86 夜莺与玫瑰 by:A果子君 1495 玫瑰与夜莺 by:开在彼岸的彼岸花 3.2万 夜莺与玫瑰 by:翘首未央 1.9万 夜莺与玫瑰 ...
The Emperor and Nightingale (皇帝和夜莺) 今天的故事选自《我的第二个图书馆》套装,皇帝的宫殿富丽堂皇,而且还住着一只会唱歌的夜莺,皇帝把小夜莺养在银笼子里,但是它开心吗?小朋友想一想:夜莺喜欢住在哪里呢? 及额外绘本资源(音频、PDF格式) 不可能!