Title: 밤이 되었습니다 / Bami Doeeotseumnida Also known as: Night Has Fallen, It's Night Genre: School, mystery, thriller, horror Format: Web drama Episodes: 12 Broadcast network: U+ Mobile TV Broadcast period: 2023-Dec-04 to 2023-Dec-21 Airtime: Monday to Thursday...
Drama Recaps Good Partner: Episodes 12-13 by quirkycase Drama Recaps DNA Lover: Episodes 7-8 by Dramaddictally× forgot password Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. username or email Reset Password × 0/200 characters...
I can't help but feel that despite all of that he has a deeper connection to her mom. Perhaps this should have been a revolutionary KDrama where Lim Sun(54f) and SML(27m) romance and a Prosecutor gets himself adopted as a son by the parents of the girl who had a crush on him. ...
Drama Casting & News Kim Hae-sook and Jung Ji-so become the new Miss Granny bylovepark Drama Casting & News Things get spicy When the Phone Rings with Yoo Yeon-seok, Chae Soo-bin bytccolb Drama Recaps Jeongnyeon – The Star is Born: Episodes 7-8 ...
This is looking to be a larger ensemble cast, but there’s great pacing to the introduction of characters that keeps it from feeling overwhelming. Rather than slamming them all out at once to keep up the pace, these episodes take their time and give characters one-on-one time. I loved ...
i begged my boyfriend to do subbing duties on one of the many websites... or just for me. he said hes too busy working 60-70hours a week. whatever. i need my kdramas. le sigh. 0 1 reply Name Email *RegisterorLogin(Get credit for your great comments) ...
(I like it.) At 1:45 a.m. I called it a night. That’s six drama/variety episodes, no sweat. My days aren’t especially affected, but I think I’ve developed a vampire-like reliance on K-dramas. Under the cover of night, I am energized by the continual supply of dramas to ...
(Almost every female producer I know loves Kdramas!) 0 Kiara July 11, 2015 at 7:34 AM UNREGISTERED Susan, I honestly don't see any of this as plot holes. I can answer them all or have an idea of how it's going to play out in future episodes. If you watch every episodes ...
Ploughing through the comments thus far, I feel like most of what I'd contribute about the ending/show has already been said. So I'd just like to share how great it's been to "live watch" a kdrama for the first time in such great company - reading through the recaps from @abird...
Sorry to hijack this post but I just found out a website which translates knetizens comments on drama casting, actors, drama episodes etc. Here you can see what's knetz think of the potential casting of Han Groo: http://kkuljaem.blogspot.ca/2015/03/han-groo-offered-lead-role-in-schol...