The NMR and IR spectra of (NH 4) 2SO 4 and (NH 4) 2BeF 4 have been investigated both in the non-ferroelectric and in the ferroelectric phases. From the measured second moments it was found that at room temperature the reorientations of the NH 4 + ions do not remain correlated with...
The EPR and pulsed NMR measurements of (NH4)2ZnBr4:Mn2+ have been carried out in the temperature range 110-473 K and 83-284 K, respectively. EPR spectra from three different paramagnetic entities have been observed. Intensity changes of certain lines in the EPR spectrum observed at 430 K ...
NMR ( 19 F, 1 H) methods are used to study ionic mobility in heptafluorozirconate (NH 4 ) 2.4 Rb 0.6 ZrF 7 in a range of temperatures from 150 K to 430 K. Types of ionic movements are determined, and their activation energy is evaluated. As a result of a phase transition a modi...
我们的化学家用稀有的高价值同位素(例如2 H或D,13 C,15 N,18等)取代了常见原子(例如1 H,12 C,14 N,16 O)O),以便可以使用质谱(MS)或核磁共振(NMR)轻松测量或追踪zui终产品。CIL的产品在全球的实验室,医学,政府和学术研究中心以及医疗机构中得到使用。我们为CIL产品在癌症研究,新药开发,环境分析,基因组学...
98+% 1H NMR, 31P NMR Synonym DOPI-4,5-P2; PI-4,5-P2 dioctanoyl, (NH4+salt) Solubility chloroform/methanol/water, 1:1:0.3 Storage condition -20°C References 1. Bruce A. Fenderson, E. M. Eddy, Sen-Itiroh Hakomori “Glycoconjugateexpression during embryogenesis and its biological signi...
我们的化学家用稀有的高价值同位素(例如2 H或D,13 C,15 N,18等)取代了常见原子(例如1 H,12 C,14 N,16 O)O),以便可以使用质谱(MS)或核磁共振(NMR)轻松测量或追踪zui终产品。CIL的产品在全球的实验室,医学,政府和学术研究中心以及医疗机构中得到使用。我们为CIL产品在癌症研究,新药开发,环境分析,基因组学...
98+% 1H NMR,31P NMR Synonym DPPI_3,4,5-P3; PI-3,4,5-P3 dipalmitoyl, (NH4+salt) Solubility chloroform/methanol/water, 1:1:0.3 Storage condition -20°C 上海西宝生物为广大科研用户提供分析标准品,试剂耗材等专业科研产品服务。 联系人:吕海秀 ID CAS 产品名称 342683 D-erythro-Sphingosine,...
5mg Appearance solid Application Notes 98+% 1H NMR, 31P NMR Synonym DPPI-4-P; PI-4-P dipalmitoyl,(NH4+salt) Solubility methanol, chloroform/methanol/DI water, 4:3:1; slightly soluble in water Storage condition -20°C References
ANS-NH4 (=8-アニリノ-1-ナフタレンスルホン酸アンモニウム) 生産企業 ANS-NH4 (=8-アニリノ-1-ナフタレンスルホン酸アンモニウム) スペクトルデータ(1HNMR、13CNMR、IR1、IR2、MS) 28836-03-5, ANS-NH4 (=8-アニリノ-1-ナフタレンスルホン酸アンモニウム) キーワード...