1.读取NGSIM dataset prepocess后的mat文件 打开指定路径下的mat文件,分别读取其中的traj和tracks保存至self.Data及self.Tr...
Estimation of vehicle trajectories from observed discrete positions and next-generation simulation program (NGSIM) data. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.Punzo, V., Borzacchiello, M. T., & Ciuffo, B. F. (2009). Estimation of Vehicle Trajector...
Despite the importance of NGSIM data for research on traffic flow theory, these data proved to be massively affected by measurement errors in the vehicle's spatial coordinates, errors that were further amplified in the differentiation process when speed and acceleration values were calculated. If not...
Fig.2 Smoothingprocessofvehicletrajectorydata 1.2 单次换道行为数据提取 为明确研究对象,对换道数据作如下规定:首 先,由入口匝道 7 进入集散车道 6 ,以及车道 6 进 入出口匝道 8 的换道过程不属于本文研究的车辆 换道行为;在检测时段内, 2 路段小汽车占比约 97% ,为保证数据数量及准确性,选取小汽车为研...
Highway traffic state estimation using speed measurements: case studies on NGSIM data and highway A20 in the Netherlands Claudio Roncoli,Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis,Markos Papageorgiou Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstract: This paper presents two case studies where a macroscopic model...
In the first case study, we use NGSIM microscopic data in order to test the capability of estimating the traffic state on the basis of aggregated information retrieved from moving vehicles and considering various penetration rates of connected vehicles. In the second case study, a longer highway ...
This repo is released under the MIT License. The NGSIM data processing code is borrowed fromNGSIM interface. The NGSIM env is built on top ofhighway envwhich is released under the MIT license.
safety distance; merging vehicles; on-ramps; NGSIM data; space headway; nonlinear models1. Introduction On-ramp merging locations are considered critical elements of highways due to the interactions between merging vehicles and vehicles on the right lane of the highway stream [1]. Previous studies...
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