alias一般用于改写请求链接,下面举个前端最常见例子 上图中,child_bigscreen是前端项目里配置的publicPath, 命中location 则实际这个http请求路径是html/child_bigscreen/js/app.ccda1527.js 如果这个目录下没有这个文件,则最后走try_files里的 /index.html,此时alias等于没有,用root+/index.html...
2、uri后面添加了斜杠,但路径没加 server{server_name;root/data/site1;location/test{root/opt/testdir;}location/about/{alias/opt/testdir;}} 测试访问 curl192.168.1.5/about/403Forbidden403Forbiddennginx/1.20.1 3、url加了斜杠,路径也加了斜杠 server{server_name;root/data/site...
# another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration # #server { # listen 8000; # listen somename:8080; # server_name somename alias another.alias; # location / { # root html; # index index.html index.htm; # } #} # HTTPS server # #server { # listen ...
复制 if($http_user_agent~MSIE){rewrite^(.*)$/msie/$1break;}if($http_cookie~*"id=([^;]+)(?:;|$)"){set$id $1;}if($request_method=POST){return405;}if($slow){limit_rate 10k;}if($invalid_referer){return403;} 3.4. if 指令的 condition if 指令的 condition 可以是下列中的任何...
local mode - the full file path is determined according to the root / alias nginx.conf directives mapped mode - the full file path is determined according to the JSON received from the upstream / local file remote mode - the mp4 file is read from upstream in chunks Note: in mapped & re...
location /image { alias /opt/nginx/static/image/;} 当用户访问 时,实际在服务器找的路径是 /opt/nginx/static/image/1.png [注意] 使用 alias 末尾一定要添加/,并且它只能位于 location 中。 location 配置路径。 location [ = | ~ | ~* | ^~ ] uri { ...} 匹配规...
1.【alias】 别名配置,用于访问文件系统,在匹配到location配置的URL路径后,指向【alias】配置的路径。如: location /test/ { alias /home/sftp/img/; } location /test/aaa/ { alias /home/sftp/img/; } location /test/aaa/bbb/ { alias /home/sftp/img/; ...
# server_name somename alias another.alias; # location / { # root html; # index index.html index.htm; # } #} # HTTPS server # #server { # listen 443 ssl; # server_name localhost; # ssl_certificate cert.pem; # ssl_certificate_key cert.key; ...
1.动态页面与静态页面分离实例 这里假定Tomcat服务器的IP地址为192.168.12.130,同时tomcat服务器开放的服务端口为8080,Nginx相关配置代码如下: server { listen 80; server_name; root /web/www/html; location /img/ { alias /web/www/html/img/; ...
Alias=rc-local.service ctrl+o #保存 ctrl+x #退出 nano /etc/rc.local #创建文件,添加防火墙启动命令 #!/bin/bash /sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/sysconfig/iptables ctrl+o #保存 ctrl+x #退出 chmod +x /etc/rc.local #添加执行权限 #重新启动系统进行测试,现在防火墙已经开机自启动了 ...