Ngc 6302, Beetle fog, Planetary nebula image. Free for use. 1 comment The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments Ngc 6302Beetle FogPlanetary NebulaConstellation ScorpioStarry SkySpaceUniverseNight SkyHeavenAstronauticsNasaSpace Travel ...
However, for objects at such distances we should take into account the expansion of the Universe during the time it took their light to reach us. Doing that shows that the galaxy was about 365 million light-years away at the time the light by which we see it was emitted, about 370 ...
螺旋星系, 米106, 星星, 宇宙, 空间, 宇宙(Spiral Galaxy, M106, Stars, Cosmos, Space, Universe) 螺旋星系, NGC7714, 合并, NGC7715, 手臂, 空间(Spiral Galaxy, Ngc 7714, Merging, Ngc 7715, Arms, Space) 星系合并 美国宇航局/欧空局哈勃太空望远镜发现了一个不明飞行物星系, a NGC2683, 这是一...
蝶漫星云·NGC6302 2021-12-18 18:27 来自刘隽超话 #junliuontherise# 🦋#IXFORM队长刘隽# 🦋 刘隽超话 【20211218 刘隽dy🎵更新视频一则】配文:今年的最后第二个周六。BGM:NCT U-《UNIVERSE(Let’s play ball)》刘隽@IXFORM-刘隽 L蝶漫星云·NGC6302的微博视频 小窗口 û收...
蝶漫星云·NGC6302 2021-12-18 18:27 来自刘隽超话 #junliuontherise# 🦋#IXFORM队长刘隽# 🦋 刘隽超话 【20211218 刘隽dy🎵更新视频一则】配文:今年的最后第二个周六。BGM:NCT U-《UNIVERSE(Let’s play ball)》刘隽@IXFORM-刘隽 L蝶漫星云·NGC6302的微博视频 小窗口 û收...