1. @machibigbrother -Twitter: @machibigbrother -Twitter Followers: 86.2K -Address: 0x020ca66c30bec2c4fe3861a94e4db4a498a35872 -Mint Date: 2021/1/5 -Flip Times: 133 -Holding Value: $20,340,974.70 -NFTs: 3291 @machibigbrother是推特知名的NFT KOL之一,并在此前多次发表了BAYC相关的观点,以...
因此对NFT巨鲸的动态进行监控,可以很好地判断一个项目的走势。 在TwitterScan上,用户通过点击项目名称,可实时跳转项目的推特界面;通过单击每一个项目的对应的“Whale Followers”,跳出项目推特简介和粉丝关注数,并且展示哪些NFT巨鲸关注了该项目。当单击巨鲸头像或者名字时,会跳转到该ID的Twitter详情页。 Hints for Twitt...
1. @machibigbrother -Twitter: @machibigbrother -Twitter Followers: 86.2K -Address: 0x020ca66c30bec2c4fe3861a94e4db4a498a35872 -Mint Date: 2021/1/5 -Flip Times: 133 -Holding Value: $20,340,974.70 -NFTs: 3291 @machibigbrother是推特知名的NFT KOL之一,并在此前多次发表了BAYC相关的观点,以...
1. @machibigbrother - Twitter: @machibigbrother - Twitter Followers: 86.2K - Address: 0x020ca66c30bec2c4fe3861a94e4db4a498a35872 - Mint Date: 2021/1/5 - Flip Times: 133 - Holding Value: $20,340,974.70 - NFTs: 3291 @machibigbrother是推特知名的NFT KOL之一,并在此前多次发表了BAYC相关...
-Twitter: @Jdotcolombo -Twitter Followers: 23.3K -Address: 0x88e3378dfb5463a0d151f802a48a104698e90e3d -Mint Date: 2021/1/5 -Flip Times: 44 -Holding Value: $616,813.52 -NFTs: 733 @Jdotcolombo是一名推特知名大V,擁有22.5K的粉絲,多次在推文中提到BAYC。
33K Twitter NFT Account - REAL ACCOUNT / NFT FOLLOWERS / SPECIAL ACC, ASK US / ID: 4342 Thread Status: Not open for further replies. Make Offer Page 23 of 188 < Prev1←2122232425→188Next > OP Irul Media 700 Offline Joined: 5/25/22...
Earlier this year OpenSea, one of the largest NFT marketplaces (last valued at more than $13 billion) admitted in a Twitter thread that more than 80 percent of the artwork created on its site were “plagiarized works, fake collections and spam.” “This is not something that we can [...
Social Media Growth & Marketing | Twitter, Discord & Instagram | NFT, Metaverse & Web3 Rating is 5 out of 5. 5.00 Apr 24, 2023 - May 14, 2023 "We have hired Ibnat for our NFT launch and she was able to gather a lot of followers within a short amount of time within that ...
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