近日,快餐连锁店麦当劳与音乐艺术家Ralph Kaminski合作,在波兰开展了最新的广告活动,包括通过麦当劳应用程序参加虚拟音乐会。据悉,该活动由DDB华沙公司设计,将奖励客户下载《MyMcDonalds》应用程序并加入其忠诚度计划,让客户观看这位波兰歌手、作曲家的表演。 Unity与OEP合作创建奥兰多市的数字孪生 近日,Unity与奥兰多经济合作...
近日,Tiffany & Co. 在社交平台上公布购买了艺术家 Tom Sachs Rocket Factory NFT 项目的「Okapi」系列。值得一提的是,Rocket Factory 项目是将不同品牌的标识放在由 Tom Sachs 制作的 NFT 火箭图样上,该系列共有 1,800 件,包含 Hermes、McDonalds、Ferrari、Malboro、NASA 和 Atari 等多个品牌,每件作品最低售...
McDonalds We built an app to automate supply chain solutions between various end users. LI & FUNG We created a blockchain-based system to govern the firm’s supply and logistics. We developed an NFT marketplace selling various digital assets for the firm. ...
本课程会是作为创作人的你进入NFT领域的第一步,同时也是最完善的一步。 与此同时,现如今为何各大企业 Gucci, Mcdonalds, Nike, Adidas, Tiger Beer, 甚至餐饮业都涉足NFT领域,纷纷踏上这辆班车?NFT 不只是表面看起来的图片,真正推动它的,是背后的生意模式和赋能。 如果你是一名生意人或者企业主,想要把生意模式...
Rocket Factory有一个很有趣的玩法,每个组件都以较低的价格出售,组件以流行品牌的样式为外貌,比如USPS、NASA、7-Eleven、McDonalds、Coca-Cola、Sweet 'N Low、Yoda、Family Guy的Brian等等,其中百威的组件有90个。 # 进驻元宇宙, 开设概念店,举办虚拟活动 ...
one niche that has undoubtedly continued to flourish is the nonfungible token (NFT) market. This is made evident by the fact that a growing number of mainstream mover and shakers including the likes of Coca-Cola, Adidas, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and McDonalds, among many others,...
This was initially launched by Taco Bell and McDonalds, both of whom created a well-timed campaign and sold exclusive pieces of digital animated art related to their fast-food restaurants in NFT format. These campaigns created buzz for their brands and for the NFT medium while it was still ...
https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/mcrib-back-mcdonalds-also-nft-rcna4277 https://www.theartpostblog.com/nft-art-cose-a-cosa-serve-intervista-strip-gallery/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ptz8qvZcg Intervista con Mark Cuban...
MMcDonalds- 茴日iiiiiii 志尊淳淳欲动 向晚的巷陌 查看更多 a 相册 查看更多a 微博精彩 热门微博热门话题 微博会员微相册 微游戏微指数 手机玩微博 扫码下载,更多版本戳这里 认证&合作 申请认证链接网站 企业微博微博营销 微博标识广告代理商 开放平台 微博帮助 常见问题 自助服务 企业&商业热线 4000-98...