原文标题:到目前为止,今年NFT市场的五个主要趋势 原文标题:Five Major Trends in the NFT Market This Year So Far 原文作者:Robert Hoogendoorn 翻译:Vera 根据所有的新闻、区块链数据和发展情况,我们总结出了2020年前六个月NFT世界的五大趋势。这不仅涉及游戏,还涉及到艺术品和其他代币化产品。 2020年,NFT市场将...
2021年10月刊登在《自然》杂志上的一篇题为《映射NFT革命:市场趋势、贸易网络和视觉特征(Mapping the NFT revolution: market trends, trade networks, and visual features)》文章中,揭示了一些令人惊讶的有关NFT市场研究的最新结果。 这份研究通过分析包括艺术品、游戏和收藏品在内的六个主要NFT类别的610万笔交易历...
Top Sales All segments·7 days Market trends Number of sales·Sales USD·1 week·Daily Timespan Moving Window Live stats *Data on our website may be subject to blockchain updates. Our data is meant to be completed by expert analysis. If you’d like to use data from our website, please...
NFT AI is the simplest app to track NFTs, analyse market and more! NFT AI is the world's largest collection of NFT art and digital assets on mobile! NFT AI is the first calendar in the NFT. We cover the most eye-catching drops, exciting events, and high-profile releases that keep th...
[2]Matthieu Nadini,el.,Mapping the NFT Revolution: Market Trends,Trade Networts,andVisual Features,Art Management, 2022(1),pp84-112. [3] 魏丽婷,《非同质化代币(NFT)_逻辑、应用与趋势展望》,《经济研究参考》, 2022年第4期,第140-140页。
Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that represent objects like art, collectible, and in-game items. They are traded online, often with cryptocurrency, and are generally encoded within smart contracts on a blockchain. Public attention towards N
The Future of NFTs and Market Trends Emerging Trends in the NFT Space The NFT marketplace continually evolves, with new and exciting trends regularly emerging. One such trend is the integration of NFTs with virtual real estate in themetaverse, where users can buy, sell, or lease digital land...
当传统艺术品遇上NFT,APENFT 是如何让收藏平民化的 如果说2020年是DeFi元年,那么2021年毫无疑问是属于NFT的。根据谷歌趋势(Google Trends)的数据,今年年初,人们对NFT的兴趣戏剧性地飙升,然而截至6、7月,搜索量枯竭了约75%,但人们的兴趣在 7 月开始反弹,然后在 10 月底创下新高。数据不会说谎,可以看出...
通过对主流的 NFT 进行分类,我们观察到 NFT 所涉及的领域已经远远超越了传统的艺术品 / 收藏品。越来...
Understanding of NFT market trends.A design studio that stays abreast of the latest developments and trends in the NFT space can help you create artwork that resonates with your target audience. 3D-Ace continually monitors the NFT market to ensure our designs are relevant and appealing to collect...