成功打开后就是这样子。 注意,你的极品飞车10必须是1.3版以上,极品飞车9必须是粗体英文1.3版,极品飞车11网上资源随意,极品飞车12只试过Steam版,都是可以使用VltEd的。 如果只是想修改车子性能,注意一下这几项就可以 单看名字就知道大概意思了 break 刹车 caraudio 车辆音效 chassis 车架(悬挂) engines 动力系统 no...
步骤: 首先,将Vlted解压到游戏目录,打开,点击左上角File——Open,找到你的游戏目录,之后软件界面就会出现许多文件夹 找到engineaudio文件夹,并打开default文件夹,你将会看见由车辆简称命名的文件夹,我以E46 GTR使用的TVR音效举例 单击文件夹,选中,右键选择Copy 选中你想要替换的车辆的音效(记得备份)点击右键,如果这台...
游客下载地址永硕E盘用户名:ppt976自行去永硕E盘首页,查看“系统特点”的第一项,将用户名替换永硕E盘首页二级域名的进入空间。文件位置(至2020.4.7为止):NFS10\NFS-VltEd 4.5.7z 8楼2020-04-07 23:24 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违...
NFS-VltEd v4.6 by nfsu360 CREDITS: NFS Modding Community Final Remarks: You may now post my mods in other sites or use them in your servers without my permission. However, kindly credit me for the work, no matter how miniscule this mod is. If you're going to use my mod for your se...
NFS VltED - nfsu360 --- If you want to contact us with problem: Modscript Template: Discord - Fardeen833 #3910 Other Templates: Discord - Cishy #0149 Changelog Version1.01uploaded March 31, 2021 Cishy uploaded a new version. The new file is 2.57 KB. Fixed...
这是NFS-Vlted里极品飞车9的拾荒者套件性能加成设置 先给云玩家或者没有玩过生涯的解释一下拾荒者件:拾荒者件延续了8代的设定,不过不同的是在本代中生涯模式内只有打败除Razor以外所有黑名单后的抽卡额外奖励界面才能抽到,而快速模式则要在开始界面按下回车前输入秘籍【PC版为burgerking,汉堡王英文】解锁一场隐藏...
在 极品飞车9&10&世界在线 用NFS-Vlted修改强制进气文件时会有以下项目 High_Boost Low_Boost PSI Spool Spool_Time_Down Spool_Time_Up Vacuum 这些项目归在induction中,并且以每车初始——满级阶段的单独文件的形式出现【区别于21里所有车改装都是套用同模板变同比例性能】 ...
2) VLTed https://nfs-tools.blogspot.com/p/downloads.html 3) NFSMW Unlimiter https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/688 How to install: 1) Run Binary a) Click the icon on the left to launch Binary for users b) Select "Setup_CaymanW_Binary.end" from this directory c) Select your NFSMW installatio...
also my nfs vlted is always say game not found and i have it Reply Error: You must be logged in to comment on this car. Not registered yet? Register here. It only takes 30 seconds. Forget your password? Find it here. Username: Password: Screen...
Next, open up NFS-VltEd and Import the "CLICKME.nfsms" file, hit install, save, and you're done! Really hard to mess this one up. CREDITS Aero_: Original creator of ProStreet Camera Mod. SilarityStar: I remixed Aero's Script. nfsu360: Creator of NFS-VltEd....