Buy and sell NFL 2025 tickets for the season and playoffs on the NFL Ticket Exchange from Ticketmaster, the Official Ticket Marketplace of the NFL.
NFL Sunday Ticket是一个订阅服务,提供周日的全美国足球联赛(NFL)比赛的地方市场覆盖之外的直播。它包括了本地电视台未提供的比赛,让球迷们可以在超出当地直播范围时关注自己的球队。该服务覆盖来自CBS和Fox的比赛,并提供整个常规赛季全面的报道。从2023赛季开始,NFL Sunday Ticket将由YouTube TV运营。要签订NFL ...
免费咨询 就在卡塔尔世界杯刚刚落幕之际,2023年NFL Sunday Ticket(全美职业橄榄球大联盟“周日门票”)又成为科技巨头眼中的香饽饽。据悉,此前苹果、亚马逊,以及谷歌旗下的YouTube,都参与到了对这一赛事转播权的争夺中。 不过有消息显示,苹果方面在上周退出了关于“周日门票”转播权的谈判。据消息人士透露,苹果之所以...
据说,苹果再次与NFL就获得Sunday Ticket的流媒体转播权进行了谈判。根据《体育商业日报》本周的一篇新报道,亚马逊和苹果是从2023年开始获得NFL Sunday Ticket使用权的“领跑者”。 image NFL Sunday Ticket是一种...
YouTube 获得 NFL Sunday Ticket 转播权 DoNews12月23日消息(郭睿琦)据外媒报道,YouTube 与 NFL 于12月23日宣布,NFL Sunday Ticket 将从2023年开始登陆YouTube TV和YouTube Primetime Channels。据了解,NFL是美国四大职业体育联盟(NBA、NFL、MLB、NHL)之中最受欢迎的体育赛事。这笔交易的具体细节虽然没有被...
苹果可能退出了NFL Sunday Ticket的谈判 据称,苹果退出了NFL Sunday Ticket的谈判,这笔交易本可以免费向Apple TV+订阅者提供NFL比赛。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 亚马逊、迪士尼和谷歌等流媒体巨头争夺NFL Sunday Ticket一直很激烈。然而,现在有消息指出,苹果正在保持距离,这可能是因为没有得到它想要的东西。
When you add NFL Sunday Ticket to your YouTube TV Base Plan, you can also watch all out-of-market Sunday games throughout the regular season. Combining a YouTube TV Base Plan with the NFL Sunday Ticket add-on means you can watch: ...
It's unclear what the NFLs plans are for Sunday Ticket. The DirectTV deal expires in 2023, so a deal isn't likely to happen soon and could come during the 2022 season. Berke suggested the NFL could divide Sunday Ticket among outlets. It would be similar to the NFL splitting its alcohol...
YouTube及美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)宣布,2023年NFL Sunday Ticket(周日门票)套餐流媒体转播权被YouTube拿下,“周日门票”将于明年登陆YouTube Primetime Ch…
Get NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream Videos, Music and Live Streams View The ultimate footballviewing experience is here: With a subscription to NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube, you can watch all out-of-market games every Sunday during the regular season. ...