On November 8–9, 1923, Adolf Hitler led a coalition group in an attempt to overthrow the German government.This attempted coup d’état came to be known as the Beer Hall Putsch, it is also known as the Munich Putsch. “National revolution is underway . . .against the Berlin Jew governm...
“These are Hitler tactics and something has to be done.”https://www.kansas.com/opinion/editorials/article278199777.html#storylink=cpy#Journalism
Note: This page is a draft... the link lists are incomplete and there will be quite a bit of editing before I declare it finished. Let me know if you find broken links or new adaptations to add to the list. Also see my overview At the Movies page. by Bob
Dave:“You can blame any outside cause you want, but the fact remains, the German people accepted Hitler, and therefore they are responsible for him, and for this whole bloody war. You can’t be passive about Democracy.” Kate:“You’ve got something there, Dave.” ...
released Thursday. … The deportation numbers showed a 90% increase from the past two fiscal years, according to ICE data.” [editor’s note: These people seem to be as punctilious as Hitler’s SS was at documenting their own crimes; hopefully they’ll eventually face justice as well – ...
Before Hitler and ISIS there was Bismark’s Kulturkampf that forced my kindred and the Order of Saint Francis to flee to the United States.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwDV1C5UZvM Here is part of the story of Mother Mary Dominica Wieneke, and her genealogy. Three Wieneke women, mar...
Utopian idealists like Mao, Stalin, and Hitler were willing to sacrifice individual freedom of opportunity in their quest to erase all human distinctions. This equality has never been achieved without establishing an oppressive, dystopian political regime through massive carnage and destruction. As long...
Hitler Wanted To Take Over The World One Hundred Years Ago Today Eva Braun Films Eisenhower’s Rhine-Meadows Death Camps The Firebombing Of Dresden Attack On Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941 December 8, 1980 Strawberry Fields Future Generations Israel Assassinated President John F. Kennedy Last Sign...