来highline的基本就是周边的居民和向我这般慕名而来的游客。 我来的时候貌似还在修2期,查了一下地图,2期是靠近Hudson River的,个人感觉2期很好弥补了highline 1期与只有2个block之隔的水的关系。 来之前差不多给自己提了这么几个问题吧:1.这个项目是Landscape Urbanism的代表作,它是否很好的将建筑景观与城市很...
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携程旅行为您提供纽约高线标准酒店(The Standard, High Line New York)预订及价格查询,涵盖纽约高线标准酒店(The Standard, High Line New York)电话、服务设施、地址交通及周边酒店信息,真实详细的纽约高线标准酒店(The Standard, High Line New York)点评、酒店图片信息
Climb up onto the High Line garden path along the West-side of Manhattan which boasts amazing views of New York City and the Hudson River. The High Line park is an example of urban renewal at its finest, a unique concept of a park, a green oasis among the concrete giants. Duri...
James Corner设计的特点是运动的编带。 独特的铺路,种植,家具,照明和社交空间创造了一个真实和难忘的纽约市体验。 High Line被广泛认可是一个巨大的成功,并表明了在城市创造新的和新鲜的公共空间的价值。 As the project lead for the High Line, Field Operations led the design and construction of this 23 ...
United StatesNational Geographic
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In May 2003, James Corner Field Operations with Diller Scofidio + Renfro competed against 720 teams from 36 countries to win the infrastructure conversion project of the New York City High Line. More than half a decade later, the High Line’s transition to a public park is almost complete. ...
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The High Line, elevated park and promenade built on an abandoned freight rail line on the West Side of Manhattan, New York. Its first section opened in 2009 and the final section in 2014. When it was completed, the High Line occupied 22 of the 41 blocks