[商品:New Balance Men's 990V3 Running Shoe] 当时的价格是129.26刀,和朋友商量后决定凑单一人一双(其实主要是因为他有八折码 ),再加上他的信用卡在美亚买满100能减5刀 ,于是乎最后2双鞋子的价格计算公式为129.26x2x0.8-10=206.86刀,相当于一双103.5刀,640人民币这个样子。
美国亚马逊 New Balance Mens 990V3 Running Shoe历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名New Balance Mens 990V3 Running Shoe
For solid cushioning off of the couch, try the New Balance Women's 990V3 Running Shoe. This shoe's stable Absorb insert and cushiony Encap midsole help get you back into your running regimen, while the neutral support lets your foot guide itself naturally throughout your stride. With the ...
最后埋个坑,之前晒过一单儿子的990童鞋,New Balance 新百伦 KV990...前几天美亚NB990v3男女款都特价,张大妈上也有推了,我就下了两单,跟老婆再买一人一双,男款买的是暗红的(本来想买波士顿马拉松那款绿色的,价格最低92刀出头,但想想年纪大了实在穿不出去,放弃了),女款买的是黑色的,因为$79.99只有黑、蓝或...