> 图书其它 > 黑角原装 3DS伸缩充电线 85CM 黑角 3DS充电线数据线3DSLL充电线 NEW3DSLL USB充电器3DS伸缩 黑角原装 3DS伸缩充电线 85CM 黑角 3DS充电线数据线3DSLL充电线 NEW3DSLL USB充电器3DS伸缩 参数 价格:暂无报价 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠...
Login / register Wishlist 0 item(s) - £0.00 Welcome to the New 3d models and 3d scans section on the 3dscanstore. This section of our shop showcases our latest products as they arrive, though the products are all shown in their correct categories as well. Our models are all (unless...
详细参数 品牌:舒弗(LACHOUFFE)产品类型:3DS型号:7948613978 颜色:咖啡色存储容量:2GB可参与人数:9422837573 电源容量:3556686879屏幕尺寸:0.3*0.6*0.3英寸适用场景:商务会议 身边苏宁 全国300多个城市,上万个门店和服务终端期待您的光临,为您提供贴心的服务!
1*Micro USB Cable About CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns before or after your purchase. We are committed to your 100% satisfaction. About Shipping: We will packing the goods well and arrange shipping in time.you can contact us ...
vIf you have a R4i-SDHC with mark "V1.4", you can have it updated to version 3DS V2.0.0-2 and do not need to buy this 3DS card. vNeed to buy Micro SD(TF) card separately. vCD is not included. Functionality: vSupports the Latest N3DS perfectly. ...
3DScanStore - New Female Écorché 我们的女性全身模型已被雕刻成符合我们全身彩色扫描模型。其特点是它是基于真实的比例,而不是程序化的。ztl和obj格式。 Our female Écorché model has been sculpted to match one of our full body colour scans. The advantage being it's based on true proportions, ...
3DScanStore - New Female Écorché 我们的女性全身模型已被雕刻成符合我们全身彩色扫描模型。其特点是它是基于真实的比例,而不是程序化的。ztl和obj格式。 Our female Écorché model has been sculpted to match one of our full body colour scans. The advantage being it's based on true proportions, ...
I’m still green on 3ds max 2009 … when I tried to model in it sometimes I can’t select anything of the editable poly except the new vertices I made by “Cut”...See the picture and tells me why I can’t select the other vertices …It’s a very strange prob...
and can let it as a new object. I have tagged and got object already, and use faces1[i].SolidFaceType == Face.FaceType.Planar to confirm if the face is planner. Then I want to get the face which facetype is planner as a new object, but i don't know how to let the fa...
Previous studies of SD helped to design this project. MWC helped to design this project and gave linguistic support to the manuscript. RS, designed and coordinated the study and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read, commented, corrected and approved the final manuscript....