● 卷积神经网络(CNN):专为处理像素数据设计,利用局部感受野、权值共享特性高效提取图像特征。● 循环神经网络(RNN)及其变体LSTM:擅长处理序列数据,通过内部状态的循环传递,捕捉时序依赖,尤其LSTM通过门控机制有效缓解了长期依赖问题。● 生成对抗网络(GANs):创新性地采用两个网络(生成器与判别器)的竞争与合作机...
neural networks基本解释 神经网络;类神经网络;人工神经网络;神经网络系统;神经网络模型 分词解释 neural神经的 networks网( network的名词复数 ) 猜你喜欢 fuzzy neural network模糊神经网络 neural crest神经嵴 neural network神经网络 neural tube神经管 nortel networks北电网络 artificial neural network人工神经网络 ...
其他常见神经网络包括径向基函数网络(Radial Basis Function, RFB), ART(Adaptive Resonance Theory)网络, SOM(Self-Organizing Map)网络,递归神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks) 误差反向传播法(Error BackPropagation, BP)是迄今最成功的神经网络学习算法,详情参见误差反向传播。标准BP算法每次针对一个训练样本来更新模...
使用进化算法去优化神经网络,通过进化算法和人工神经网络的结合使得神经网络能够在进化的过程中自适应地调整其连接权重、网络结构、学习规则等这些在使用神经网络的时候难以确定的参数,从而形成了进化神经网络(Evolutionary Neural Networks,ENN/EANN)。 进化算法和神经网络的结合给神经网络指明了新的发展方向,对突破神经网络...
A neural network, or artificial neural network, is a type of computing architecture that is based on a model of how a human brain functions — hence the name "neural." Neural networks are made up of a collection of processing units called "nodes." These nodes pass data to each other, ...
美 英 un.神经网络 网络神经网络系统;网络控制系统 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 神经网络
Neural networks, in the world of finance, assist in the development of such processes as time-series forecasting,algorithmic trading, securities classification, credit risk modeling, and constructing proprietary indicators and pricederivatives. A neural network works similarly to the human brain’s neural...
neural networks发音 意思翻译 神经网络;类神经网路 相似词语短语 neural network───神经网络 neural nets───神经网络 informal network───非正式沟通网络 mesh networks───网状网络(meshnetwork的复数) neural net───[计]神经网络;神经网 secure network───安全网络 ...
Training neural networks typically involves supervised learning, where each training example contains the values of both the input data and the desired output. As soon as the network is able to perform sufficiently well on additional test cases, it can be applied to the new cases. For example,...
2. 卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks) (1)原理:由手工设计卷积核变成自动学习卷积核 LeNet-5 (2)卷积(Convolutional layer): 输入与卷积核相乘再累加(内积、加权叠加) ① 公式: ② 目的:提取输入的不同特征,得到维度很大的特征图(feature map) ...