Watch On In the quiet of the South Korean the village of Gokseong becomes the backdrop for a mysterious infection and multiple murders. Officer Jong-goo (Kwak Do-won) faces a macabre puzzle that finds him trapped in a web woven by a Japanese stranger whose arrival in the village heralds...
Adapted from a video game that failed hard at launch Cyberpunk Edgerunners almost doesn't make sense. Why, on earth, would you adapt a video game that basically got recalled? Fortunately, Edgerunners' brilliant visuals, frenetic pace and well-written characters make it all work. It all begins...
This family drama series on Netflix also features original songs by the cast. The first season of this show had my entire family completely hooked and we’re all sad there won’t be a second season. Alexa & Katie Rated TV-G. 4 parts. This heartwarming series follows Alexa, a young gi...
Set 14 months after Into the Spider-Verse, viewers are reunited with Miles Morales, Gwen Stacey, and Peter B Parker as they embark on a new multiverse-spanning journey that, unlike its forebear, won't be such an easy one to navigate. In my Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse review, ...
We won't give too much away about the plot here, but what we can tell you is that Hereditary is an exploration of familial grief and trauma that mixes the occult with reality. The eerie atmosphere paired with sudden jolts of action make this film downright terrifying, and its script is ...
YMCinema Jason Momoa’s Lobo Casting U-Turn Proves Henry Cavill Can Still Play His Favorite DC Villain if James Gunn Agrees 1/13/2025 by Siddhika Prajapati FandomWire “I was sh*tting my pants”: Guillermo del Toro Won’t Forget Going Up Against Zack Snyder at Comic-Con After Almost Dis...
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” Photo Credit: Netflix The mere mention of Mr. Rogers invokes positive childhood memories for millions of Americans. This documentary about the soft-spoken television host reflects on his legacy, featuring archival footage and interviews with his loved ones. Watch ...
At this point, almost everyone knows about Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX). The online streaming company offering movies and TV shows on demand was a pioneer in this field, which drove corporate earnings for the firm. Such innovation and profitability in cor
5. Mindhunter Stream now on Netflix We were hoping for a third season of Manhunter to tie up some loose ends but it’s unlikely we will get this now, as David Fincher has gone on to other things. That doesn’t stop the first two seasons of this show being fantastic television. It...
(Juvenile Justice,Dear My Friends). The logline for the series reads: “A man who should not have been born and the unhappiest woman in the world are forced to accompany one another on the final journey of his life.” The series stars Woo Do-hwan, Lee You-mi, Oh Jung-se and Kim...