另外,负对数似然也经常被应用于生成式模型,例如高斯混合模型(Gaussian Mixture Model)。在这种情况下,目标是通过最大化训练数据的似然性来拟合模型,并使用负对数似然作为训练过程中的损失函数。 3.2 在统计学领域中的应用: 在统计学领域,negative log-likelihood 积分形式也被广泛运用于参数估计和假设检验等任务。通过...
# 需要導入模塊: from mlp import MLP [as 別名]# 或者: from mlp.MLP importnegative_log_likelihood[as 別名]defmlp_mnist_train(learning_rate=0.01, L1_reg=0.00, L2_reg=0.0001, n_epochs=1000, dataset='mnist.pkl.gz', batch_size=20, n_hidden=500):datasets = load_data(dataset) train_set_...
self.delta_params.extend(self.logLayer.delta_params)# construct a function that implements one step of finetunining# compute the cost for second phase of training,# defined as the negative log likelihoodself.finetune_cost = self.logLayer.negative_log_likelihood(self.y) self.errors =...
Under a Poisson assumption, we fit a model to observed data using the negative log-likelihood score. We present a new algorithm for Poisson tensor factorization called CANDECOMP-PARAFAC alternating Poisson regression (CP-APR) that is based on a majorization-minimization approach. It can be shown ...
Our implementations of PNMF, NSF and NSFH are modular with respect to the likelihood, so that the negative binomial or Gaussian distributions can be substituted for the Poisson. However, in our experiments we use the Poisson data likelihood. Postprocessing nonnegative factor models We postprocess...
Since ydyd is fixed and known, the authors established a Gaussian Process model to estimate ∥Et,s∥∞‖Et,s‖∞ and compute the error bound, guaranteeing positive transfer. For the adaptive transfer strategy, Cao et al. [15] proposed a Bayesian adaptive learning approach to realize safe ...
For expository purposes, we consider the bivariate Negative Binomial-Gamma and Negative Binomial-Inverse Gaussian regression models. An Expectation-Maximization type algorithm is developed for maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the models for which the definition of a joint probability mass...
The curve fitted using penalized likelihood is in the solid line and the linear fit is in dashed line, with the interpolation fit superimposed in faded line and the data in circles Full size imageAn approach to the estimation of η is via the minimization of negative log likelihood, ...
On the other hand, several zero-inflated models have also been proposed to correct for excess zero counts in microbiome measurements, including zero- inflated Gaussian, lognormal, negative bimomial and beta models [25, 29–32]. In addition to the challenges resulting from the char- acteristic...
(Negative evidential Updating) Suppose an agent has some concept of the reliability of the evidence,δδE∈[0,1]n, whereδE,mis the likelihood that the evidenceEis reliable (true) ifHmrepresents the true state of the world, i.e.δE,m=P(E|Hm). Upon receiving some subset of hypotheses...