Brunisholz G, Randin M. Sur la se´paration des terres rares a` l'aide de l'acide e´thyle`nediamine-te´traace´tique. IX. Proce´de´ en cycle pour le fractionnement des terres yttriques. Helv Chim Acta 1959;42(6):1927 - 38....
Diastéréotopies dans la série du benchrotrène1 H and 13 C spectra of mono-and disubstituted (benzene)-tricarbonylchromium complexes have been analysed. The influence of the substituents is discussed and special attention is paid to the diastereotopy resulting from different types of chirality. ...
Alpha-Lipoic acid (ALA) is a natural compound, chemically named 1,2-dithiolane-3-pentanoic acid, also referred to as thioctic acid. In humans, ALA is synthetized by the liver and other tissues with high metabolic activity: heart, kidney. ALA is both water and fat soluble and therefore, ...
Pournaras, C. JIllic, JGilodi, NKlin Monatsbl AugenheilkdPournaras C, Illic J, Gilodi N (1985) Retinal vascular occlusion: possibilities of a direct oxygen supply to the hypoxic areas. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 186:485–487
Cationic telomerization gives regular structure compounds and the molecular weights are higher than those obtained by other methods of telomerization.doi:10.1002/macp.1981.021821002Mohammed TahaGérard RigalYves PiétrasantaNicole PlatzerPierre SudresSerge RaynalDie Makromolekulare Chemie...
Brunisholz G and Randin M 1959 Sur la se´paration des terres rares a` l'aide de l'acide e´thyle`nediamine-te´traace´tique. IX. Proce´de´ en cycle pour le fractionnement des terres yttriques Helv. Chim. Acta 42 1927-38...
echange hétérogène entre le ch3br et le br80 (18 mn) issu de transition isomériquee reaction with methyl bromide, the importance of which depends on temperature and nature of the waldoi:10.1002/bscb.19550641114R. CoekelbergsEcole Royale Militaire, Laboratoire de Chimie Nucléaire, (Bruxelles...
N. R. S. 24, Avenue du Président Kennedy, 68200 Mulhouse — FranceSchultz, JacquesCentre de Recherches sur la Physico‐Chimie des Surfaces Solides — C. N. R. S. 24, Avenue du Président Kennedy, 68200 Mulhouse — FranceHüthig & Wepf VerlagDie Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie...
Brunisholz G, Randin M. Sur la se´paration des terres rares a` l'aide de l'acide e´thyle`nediamine-te´traace´tique. IX. Proce´de´ en cycle pour le fractionnement des terres yttriques. Helv Chim Acta 1959;42(6):1927 - 38....
In addition to fourteen monohydroxylated compounds, the sterol fraction contains eight functionalized sidechain sterols, three of them new: 3 β-hydroxy-24-norchol-5-en-23-al (19) , (22- trans )-3 β-hydroxycholest-5, 22-dien-24-one (20) and (22 R , 23 R , 24 S ) or (22 S...