NCL(12-2024)版中文版和区分表修改内容 类 位置 修改内容 第五条改为:《区分表》所列商品和服务项目名称,包括《国际分类》及我国常用但未列入《国 编者说明 际分类》的商品和服务项目名称,两部分内容分别排列,两者之间用"※"隔开. 0102 第八部分:010040"酒精*"改为"工业用酒精" 0104 第十九...
根据中日韩商标领域合作安排,为进一步便利申请人,现发布尼斯分类NCL12-2024文本中日韩商品和服务类似群编码对照表。 附:尼斯分类NCL12-2024文本中日韩商品和服务类似群
根据中日韩商标领域合作安排,为进一步便利申请人,现发布尼斯分类NCL12-2024文本中日韩商品和服务类似群编码对照表。 附件.尼斯分类NCL12-2024文本中日韩商品和服务类似群编码对照表.xlsx
In accordance with the cooperation arrangement of China, Japan, and Korea in the trademark field, in order to further facilitate the applicants, the comparison table of codes for China-Japan-Korea similar groups of goods and services under the Nice Classification NCL12-2024 is hereby published. ...
In accordance with the cooperation arrangement of China, Japan, and Korea in the trademark field, in order to further facilitate the applicants, the comparison table of codes for China-Japan-Korea similar groups of goods and services under the Nice Classification NCL12-2024 is hereby published. ...
Attachment: Publication of China-Japan-Korea Similar Groups of Goods and Services Under the Nice Classification NCL12-2024 (Source: website of the Trademark Office of the CNIPA)Address:Building 10, No.18, Fengchuang Science and Technology Venture Park, Kechuang 13th St., Beijing Economic-Technolog...
Eventbrite - New Community Leadership Foundation presents NCLF Inaugural Vision Award Fundraising Celebration - Thursday, December 12, 2024 at KOHO Co-Creative Hub, San Francisco, CA. Find event and ticket information.
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