To convert 50 kilometres to nautical miles, we divide by 1.852:50 km ÷ 1.852 = 27 NM The international nautical mile was defined as exactly 1,852 meters in 1929. Meter - Unit of Distance / LengthUnit Symbol / Abbreviation: m
mile [nautical, US] to mkono mile [nautical, US] to kilofoot mile [nautical, US] to milla mile [nautical, US] to kyuDefinition: MeterThe metre, symbol: m, is the basic unit of distance (or of "length", in the parlance of the physical sciences) in the International System of Units...
Nautical miles to kilometers converter online - free and easy to use. ➤ Convert nautical miles to kilometers quickly and easily and understand the difference between M and km. Learn how many km equal one nautical mile. Calculation example.
You can do the reverse unit conversion fromdecameters to mile [nautical, UK], or enter any two units below: Common length conversions Definition: Decameter A decametre (American spelling: dekameter, symbol: dam) is a measurement of distance equal to ten metres. This measure is included mostly...
Convert m to nm Metres to Nautical miles Converter Meter to Nautical mile Conversion Calculator Metre (m) to Nautical mile (nm) Conversion 1 meter = 0.0005399568034557236 Nautical mile divided by 1852
Convert mile, nautical 20 to metermileNautical
One km is equal to one thousand of meters (British spelling: metre), which is the current SI base unit of length. One kilometer (km) = 0.539956803 nautical mile (symbol nmi, M or NM) = 1000 meters (m) = 1000000 millimeters (mm) = 100000 centimeters (cm) = 10000 decimeters (dm)=...
参考译文:”Mile”一词源自拉丁语的“千步”(mille passus)。直到大约1500年,海上导航都是凭眼力进行的,直到导航仪器被发展出来,并且制图师开始使用纬度和经度的坐标系统。 By the late 16th century English scientists knew that the ratio of distances at sea to degrees was constant along any great circle ...
nautical mile to milesConversion Table: nmi to mi 1.0 = 1.15078 2.0 = 2.30156 3.0 = 3.45234 4.0 = 4.60312 5.0 = 5.75390 6.0 = 6.90468 7.0 = 8.05546 8.0 = 9.20624 9.0 = 10.35702nautical mile to miles 10 = 11.50779 20 = 23.01559
mile [nautical, UK] millibicron Recommended videos Powered byAnyClip How to Save Money on Your Kid’s Activities in 2023 Video Player is loading. This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. More information from the unit converter ...