Aerospace is a global industry, and to be best prepared for a global career, engineers need to be able to work in both systems in use today. Even when one works for a company with a strict standard for use of one set of units, customers, suppliers, and contractors may be better ...
“Nautical Mile”的各地常用别名 中国大陆 海里 台湾 海里、浬 港澳 海里、海哩 1. 定义 “海里”在传统定义为子午线“1角分”的长度(子午线是地球表面连接南北两极的大圆线上的半圆弧,等于180度。1度等于60角分,故1海里的长度是子午线长度÷180÷60),可从航海图中以子午线上纬度的改变来量度。由于地球并非标准...