Nature Communications10, Article number:795(2019)Cite this article 23kAccesses 356Citations 10Altmetric Metrics Abstract Herein, we design and prepare cellulose-based ratiometric fluorescent materials with superior amine-response, which offers the real-time and visual detection of seafood freshness. Throug...
First published in 1869, Nature is the world’s leading multidisciplinary science journal. Nature publishes the finest peer-reviewed research that drives ground-breaking discovery, and is read by thought-leaders and decision-makers around the world.
2024年4月6日,我院2019级本科生曹一川以第一作者身份在中科院综合性一区TOP期刊Nature Communications发表题为“scButterfly: a versatile single-cell cross-modality translation method via dual-aligned variational autoencoders”的研究论文,文章的通讯作者为陈...
10. The function and genomic localization of H2Aub remained a mystery for a long time, but this situation has changed with the identification of its E3 ubiquitin ligase, the PRC1 complex, and its obligate components
COMMUNICATIONS 1939 ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES 1939 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 1941 JOURNAL OF RETAILING 4,752 2,002 25,642 2,253 1,944 10,065 9,977 13,463 5,058 2,961 1,537 4,775 4,775 7,963 11,926 1,883 4,610 1,695 959 2,949 525 12,018 3,065 1,768 2,941 2,...
研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表于Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、 Science Advances、Nature Communications、Nano Letters等国际顶级期刊。杨林曾入选2021年国家高层次海外青年人才计划,获得2019Nanoscale 年度精选热门文章、2020PCCP年度 精选热门文章等奖项。 2、中国科大构建国际首个基于纠缠的城域量子网络...
研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表于Nature、Nature Nanotechnology、Science Advances、Nature Communications、Nano Letters等国际顶级期刊。杨林曾入选2021年国家高层次海外青年人才计划,获得2019Nanoscale年度精选热门文章、2020PCCP年度精选热门文...
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nature publishing Group最赚钱期刊没有之一,版面费5000刀,在物理方向水平约等于PRL。
2019-06-23 09:31:30 厦大杨勇Nature子刊:气体诱导非活性锂的形成 近日,厦门大学杨勇教授在NatureCommunications上发表了题为“Gas induced formation of inactive Li in rechargeable 2023-02-03 16:07:13 ClearCommunicationsLtd.使用监控和故障排除 ClearCommunicationsservices customers with high-quality, reliable ne...