The abbreviationNCVQstands for theNational Council for Vocational Qualifications, a body established in the United Kingdom to promote and oversee vocational qualifications. Commonly used in educational and professional contexts, theNCVQplays a crucial role in ensuring that vocational qualifications meet indu...
This paper tackles the problem of knowledge specification in vocational awards. More particularly, it addresses this issue in the light of the United Kingdom (UK) experience, through the recent work of the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ). Based on the short history of NCVQ...
National Security Council national security interests national security strategy national service national shipping authority National Socialism national socialist National Socialist German Workers' Party National Stock Number national strategy national superannuation ...
单词 Advanced General National Vocational Qualification 释义 SeeAGNVQ 英汉缩略语词收录了1186255条英文缩写词条,提供最新英文缩写(缩略词)查询及其意思解释,包括月份的英文缩写,有限公司英文缩写等英文缩略词。 相关内容: “Advanced General Dentistry Clinic”缩略 “Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments”缩略...
national-vocational-qualification-certificate-system 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Basic Experiences In Conducting National Vocational Qualification Certificate System In Britain 英国推行国家职业资格证书制度的基本经验© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
1. 国家职业资格制度 答:国家职业资格制度 (National Vocational Qualification System) 简称:NVQ,是以国家职业标准为导向,以实际工作表现为 …|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,国家职业资格制度 更多例句筛选 1. The Practical Research on Forcing the National Vocational Qualification System for Vo...
GNVQ的意思 GNVQ 英文缩写GNVQ 英文全称General National Vocational Qualification 中文解释全国通用职业资格 缩写分类文化教育 缩写简介学习应用类查询 新华字典 汉语词典 成语大全 诗词大全 英文缩写 英语单词 在线翻译 英文名 科技名词 五笔字根表 笔画数 偏旁部首 汉字拼音 区位码 郑码查询 仓颉编码 四角号码 中文电码...
目录 01 院校鉴定管理平台简介 院校鉴定管理平台开展运营的历程 2012年6月 人社部发文开展院校鉴定管理平台试点运营 为规范院校职业技能鉴定管理工作,提高院校鉴定管理水平,正式在上海、福建、甘肃等8省份启动院校鉴定管理平台试点工作。《关于开展院校鉴定管理平台运行试点工作的通知》(人社职司便函[2012]40号)院校鉴定...
Two seminars carried out by Council branch in Suez Governorate, which benefited 300 individuals from both genders and women with disabilities. The awareness issues covered the rights of women with disabilities as guaranteed by the Egyptian constitution, and a political education for youth in light of...
NVQ是()。 A. 国家职业资格制度的缩写 B. B NVQ是英国国家职业资格(National Vocational Qualification)的英文字母缩写,是英国的国家职业资格证书制度 C. 澳大利亚国家职业资格制度的缩写 D. 美国国家职业资格制度的缩写 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B.B NVQ是英国国家职业资格(National Vocational Qualification)的...