卖盘数量 6 合约高点 N/A 合约低点 N/A 市场 OPRAC Greeks Call (SNEX 251017C00100000) Delta 0.82716 Gamma 0.00801 Rho 0.46294 Theta -0.02607 Vega 0.24548 Impvol 0.33246 Put (SNEX 251017P00100000) Delta -0.16348 Gamma 0.00815 Rho -0.14350 Theta -0.01356 Vega 0.23685 Impvol 0.31533类似期权 摘要...
作者: $Marex(MRX)$$StoneX(SNEX)$正式建仓长线股Marex(NASDAQ:MRX),StoneX(NASDAQ:SNEX),两个公司都是为全球大宗商品交易提供经纪业务及其他衍生业务。每年复合增长率30%之上。与券商公司不同的是,这类公司的客户都是涉及大宗商品交易的企业客户,不像券商公司一样每年增加的个人客户都是百万级别,可能不是特别引...
SNEX | Complete StoneX Group Inc. stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
StoneX Group Inc. Common Stock (SNEX) Dividend History 目前没有该公司的股息历史记录信息。这可能表明该公司从未提供过股息或股息待定 “股息历史记录”页面是一个单独页面,可查看所有汇总的股息支付信息。请访问我们的股息日历:我们的合作伙伴 Quotemedia 提供了下个月的除息日期。 Data Disclaimer: The Nasdaq...
StoneX (SNEX) is set to announce Q1 earnings on Feb 5th, with a consensus EPS estimate of $2.17.
StoneX Group Inc. (SNEX.NASDAQ): Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for Stock StoneX Group Inc. | Nasdaq: SNEX | Nasdaq
INTL FCStone's (INTL) Global Payments division opens office in Frankfurt, one of the world's key financial markets, as it expands its operations in the...
What is the management fee for Siren Nasdaq NexGen Economy ETF? Siren Nasdaq NexGen Economy ETF's management fee is 0.68% and has no other recorded expenses or fee waivers. The net expense ratio for BLCN is 0.68%. What other stocks do shareholders of Siren Nasdaq NexGen Economy ETF own...
including potentially increasing capital gains. The value of your investment is also subject to geopolitical risks such as wars, terrorism, environmental disasters, and public health crises; the risk of technology malfunctions or disruptions; and the responses to such events by governments and/or indi...