Photonis Channeltron® 电子倍增器在美国宇航局的消散任务中飞入阿拉斯加极光。Photonis 是 Exosens 的领先品牌,它向美国政府机构 NASA 提供了Channeltron™(通道电子倍增器),用于辅助检测被称为北极光的大气现象中存在的粒子。11 月 8 日,NASA 戈达德飞行中心的 DISSIPATION 任务搭乘亚轨道两级探空火箭从阿拉斯加...
NASA Bows UHD ChannelThe article reports that the US National Aeronautics & Space Administration's (NASA) new cable channel will include high-resolution images and video generated by the Space Station and Hubble telescope plus live launches and historical contentM....
Cue that Friday music, Nadir.播放星期五的音乐,Nadir。Thanks to all of you who've been following me on social and to all of you who have subscribed and commented on our CNN 10 YouTube channel for your shout out requests.感谢在社交媒体上关注我的所有人,以及订阅和评论我们的 CNN 10 YouTub...
这是好奇号在盖迪兹河谷(Gediz Vallis channel)内越野时的若干发现之一。盖迪兹河谷是一条沿着3英里高(5公里高)的夏普山(见下图)的一部分蜿蜒而下的沟槽。山的每一层都代表着火星历史的不同时期。好奇号的任务是研究火星的古老地形在何时何地为微生物生命(如果有的话)提供了所需的养分。夏普山高出盖尔陨石...
0.pdf ^ ^YouTube v=CwU6V5GFaQA&ab_channel=NASA ...
SOC Solar Occultation Channel太阳遮挡频段 SPP Solar Probe Parker+太阳探测器+(即帕克太阳探测器) SSPASolid-StatePowerAmplifier固态功率放大器 SSR Solid-StateRecorder固态存储器 TCMTrajectory-Correction Maneuver中段修正机动 TDI Time-Delay Integration时间延迟积分 ...
Q:I want to upload a Hubblecast to my YouTube channel, or embed this in my blog. Do I need to add a credit ‘burned in’ or overlaid on the video? A:Hubblecast videos already have a credit at the end, so you do not need to edit it. ...
Media Channel:正经新闻台 Space Station Views:实况转播太空站的独家画面 2019年,NASA携手Google 共同创造了一个视觉宇宙 “Once Upon a Try” 可以追溯人类探索宇宙长达一个世纪的内容 NASA通过人工智能 分析了航天局的大量档案 编目超过15万张照片并整理了相应的故事 对于科学爱好者来说 这更像一... ...
Elizabeth Howell (she/her), Ph.D., was a staff writer in the spaceflight channel between 2022 and 2024 specializing in Canadian space news. She was contributing writer for for 10 years from 2012 to 2024. Elizabeth's reporting includes multiple exclusives with the White House, leadin...