2Na+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) + Ni2+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) = Ni(OH)2(s) + 2Na+(aq) + 2NO3-(aq) Spectator Ions Spectator ions are ions that do not take part in the reaction. They are removed from the complete ionic equation to get the net ionic equation. Na+ NO3- ...
Answer to: Write the balanced molecular equation, complete ionic equation, and net ionic equation for the following reaction. Ni(NO3)2(aq) +...
To balance the equation Ni(NO3)2*6H2O + NaOH = Ni(OH)2 + Na(NO3) + H2O using the algebraic method step-by-step, you must have experience solving systems of linear equations. The most common methods are substitution/elimination and linear algebra, but any sim...
NaOH(aq) + CO2(g) arrow Na2CO3(aq) + H2O(l) Given 2 grams of Cu(NO3)2 and excess NaOH, calculate how much Cu(OH)2 can be produced? The molar mass of NaOH is 40g/mol, how many grams of NaOH are required to yield...
由于NaOH溶液的存在,Al被氧化生成NaAlO2而不是Al(OH)3,故电池反应的化学方程式为:Al+3NiO(OH)+NaOH+H2O=NaAlO2+3Ni(OH)2。(2)阴极:2NO3-+6H2O+10e-=N2↑+12OH-阳极:10OH--10e-=5H2O+ O2↑在阳极区生成的H+通过质子交换膜到达阴极区,所以,当电子过程中转移10 mol e-时,Δm左= mol×32 g·...
某澄清透明溶液中可能含有:NH4+、Ba2+、Al3+、Fe2+、SO32-、SO42-、HCO3-中的几种离子.为确定溶液组成,进行如下实验: ①测定溶液的pH,溶液显强酸性.滴加Ba(NO3)2(aq)出现白色沉淀. ②取少量溶液加入NaOH(aq)至强碱性,产生刺激性气味的气体并得到澄清溶液. ...
(2)向重铬酸钾中加入少量NaOH固体,溶液呈___色。 (3)向(2)所得的溶液中加入过量的稀硫酸,则溶液呈___色,因为___。 (4)向原溶液中加入Ba(NO3)2溶液(BaCrO4为难溶性黄色沉淀),则平衡___(填“正向移动”、“逆向移动”或“不移动”),溶液颜色将___。 试题答案 在线课程 【答案】K= 黄橙红色加入酸...
联氨(N2H4)是一种绿色环保的还原剂,其氧化产物为氮气。(1)合成联氨的有关反应如下:NH3(g)+NaClO(aq)===NH2Cl(l)+NaOH(aq) ΔH1=
1.下列反应制取气体合理可行的是═Zn(NO3)2+H2↑B.CaCO3+H2SO4(稀)═CaSO4+H2O+CO2↑C.NH4Cl═NaCl+H2O+NH3↑D.MnO2+4HCl(浓)$\frac{\underline{\;\;△\;\;}}{\;}$ MnCl2+Cl2↑+2H2O