logging.error('Input file specified only holds the weights, and not ''the model definition. Save the model using ''model.save(filename.h5) which will contain the network ''architecture as well as its weights. ''If the model is saved using the ''model.save_weights(filename) function, ei...
model = load_model('smoke_final.h5',{'yolo_head': yolo_head}) but is other error File "D:\yolov3\keras-yolo3_phone\yolo3\model.py", line 376, in yolo_loss anchors[anchor_mask[l]], num_classes, input_shape, calc_loss=True) TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices,...
I receive a syntactic error on the following line: https://github.com/jinfagang/yolov7/blob/f81243eca48f91821fa1e143d131dd9192397d75/yolov7/data/detection_utils.py#L186
Conda环境的打包以及离线安装教程(包含pip所有包) 同样我也将我的Conda环境进行了打包(包含了Yolov8),大家直接从下面百度网盘链接下载,然后按照博客内容进行安装即可!非常简单!!! 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pgbk4Pz5Bb6ijSMLJ8vQxg?pwd=bxf9提取码: bxf9 –来自百度网盘超级会员v5的分享 ——— 版权...
在复现yolo3的时候,PIL库一直报错 cannot import _image from PIL ImportError: The _imagingft C module is not installed 说来说去就这么几个问题 网上有说将PIL换成Pillow,也有更新Pillow版本的,也有下载补充库的,都试了,都不行。 实际解决办法: 先卸载之前的Pillow: conda(... ...
when I run the main.py and the error occured. at yolo.py 181 line if m in [nn.Conv2d, Conv, Bottleneck, SPP, DWConv, MixConv2d, Focus, ConvPlus, BottleneckCSP]: ConvPlus is not defined