NameError: name 'dude' is not defined 我运行的是Mac OS X 10.9.1,我使用的是Python 3.3安装时附带的Python Launcher应用程序来运行脚本。 您正在运行Python 2,而不是Python 3。为了在Python 2中工作,使用raw_input。 input_variable = raw_input ("Enter your name: ") print ("your name is" + inpu...
url = ''放到:wb = openpyxl.Workbook()的上面,即可
str1="g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ypc dmp. bmgle gr gl zw fylb gq glcddgagclr ylb rfyr'q ufw rfgq rcvr gq qm jmle. sqgle qrpgle.kyicrpylq() gq pcamkkclbcb. lmu ynnjw ml rfc spj."b="" #可以添加这句话for each in str1:...
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) 如果找不到这样的定义,那么optimizer就没有被正确初始化。 如果未定义,确定'optimizer'应该是什么并添加相应的定义: 如果optimizer没有被定义,你需要根据你的具体需求(如使用哪种优化算法)来定义它。例如,在PyTorch中,你可能会使用Adam、SGD等优化器。
(), lr=3e-2) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=1e-5) return optimizer """ Main Model: Initialize Forward Pass Training Step Validation Step Testing Step Pp """ class HmDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): def setup(self, stage): self.hm_train = t_p self.hm_val =...
NameError: name 'false' is not defined. Did you mean: 'False'? Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/accelerate", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/accelerate/commands/", line 45, in main args....
Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Current Behavior ptuning 执行训练时报错 bash # bash master_addr is only used for static rdzv_backend and when rdzv_endpoint is not specified. 07/20/2023 ...
NameError: name 'maketrans' is not defined, pythonchallenge Jun 27 '08, 04:30 PM im doing the python challenge and well, i solved this problem with ruby :) phrase = "g fmnc wms bgblr rpylqjyrc gr zw fylb. rfyrq ufyr amknsrcpq ...
而using 编译指令使所有的名称都可以用。 using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"aa";
'fc7_lr_mult': 1.0, 'fc7_wd_mult': 1.0, 'fc7_no_bias': False, 'max_steps': 0, 'data_rand_mirror': True, 'data_cutoff': False, 'data_color': 0, 'data_images_filter': 0, 'count_flops': True, 'memonger': False, 'is_shuffled_rec': False, 'loss_name': 'margin_softmax...