May I know how to correct the NameError: name 'xx' is not defined ? Code: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:,[2,3]] y = def plotSVC(titl...
出现NameError: name 'randomforestclassifier' is not defined 错误通常意味着 RandomForestClassifier 类没有被正确导入到你的Python环境中。RandomForestClassifier 是scikit-learn 库中的一个类,用于实现随机森林分类算法。 为了解决这个问题,请按照以下步骤操作: 确认RandomForestClassifier是否正确导入: 确保你已经安装了...
i do not undeeeerstand why this error appears and what cab i do to solve it. it s is my first time scraping uxing this mdthod so be cool (^^) pls. i thou it was the good methode, but... thx for ur help[] i tried to import librairis p...
InterSystems IRIS始终以全大写字母显示显式名称空间名称,以全小写字母显示隐含的名称空间名称。...如果指定了一个未定义的名称空间,则SET $ZNSPACE会生成一个错误。不能new $ZNSPACE特殊变量。...示例在以下示例中,如果当前命名空间不是USER,则SET $ZNSPACE命令会将当前命名空间更改为USER。请注意,由于if测试,...
MODEL_NAME = 'iris' input_graph_path = 'pbtxtFiles/savegraph.pbtxt' checkpoint_path = 'pbtxtFiles/model.ckpt' input_saver_def_path = "" input_binary = False output_node_names = "output" restore_op_name = "save/restore_all" filename_tensor_name = "save/Const:0" ...
Error: object 'y' not found Here’s an example of this error in the wild…. see the code below… # Attempt to access an object that doesn't exist my_data <- iris head(my_data) tail(my_data2) Since my_data2 hasn’t been defined in the program (and allocated within memory), R...