Baby Name Generator Our Baby Name Generator helps you find the perfect name, sorted by gender, letter, meaning, and more. You don't need to fill out every field, just the ones you're interested in. I’m looking for any gender names starting with any letter and ending with ...
These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Wolf. Fox Bear Forest River Hawk Wilder Lynx Phoenix Ash Oak Stone Sage Wolfgang Arrow Cedar Rain Ace Zephyr Ocean Orion Lists containing Wolf Famous People Named Wolf ...
While it began with "A" it wasn't quite as popular for my generation as Amy, but I recently found out Angela was almost as popular for my generation based on rankings. It was the 4th or 5th most popular name for baby girls the year I was born-1974 in the US. When I, despite ...
Sounds like Horace, looks like the head of a hawk on the body of a human. Horus Popularity 1592Nameberry2025 20 Names Similar to Horus These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Horus. Ra Paraskeva ...
Vote for Gaven Etymology of Gaven The etymology of the name 'Gaven' can be traced back to the Celtic language. The Gaelic name 'Gabhán' is composed of two elements 'gabh', which means 'hawk' or 'falcon', and the diminutive suffix '-án', which means 'little' or 'young'. Thus, ...
Find the perfect name Baby Names by BabyCenter for free! Track your pregnancy on our free #1 pregnancy & baby app My pregnancy week by week BabyCenter is your parenting partner. BabyCenter is committed to providingthe most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting informationin the world....
Rani Rose Hudson Fujikawa- daughter of Kate Hudson and Danny Fujikawa , born 2018 Skipper Hudson Haines- daughter of Nicole Appleton and Stephen Haines , born 2020 Stats for the NameHudson Hudson is currently#57on theBaby Names Popularity Charts ...
You live in a small apartment above the the boutique… One day you are working when a tall handsome man walks in and wants to buy a gift for his mom when he ask you out for coffee perfect timing its your break. Where do you go to coffee? Starbucks ...
Common Nicknames for Gavin Thought Gavin couldn’t get any cuter? Check out adorable nicknames for baby below. Vin Advertisement How Popular Is The Name Gavin? The Bump Ranking Overall:Gavin is currently #339 on The Bump Boy:Gavin is currently #199 on The Bump Boy Names U.S. Births Ov...
The name Gwalchmai is primarily a male name of Welsh origin that means Hawk Of May. Names like Gwalchmai: Gilligan, Gleason, Glison Stats for the Name Gwalchmai Gwalchmai is currently not in the top 100 on the Baby Names Popularity Charts Gwalchmai is currently not ranked in U.S. births...