检查'df'变量是否在使用前已经正确定义: 错误“name 'df' is not defined”通常意味着在尝试访问df变量之前,该变量尚未被定义。您需要检查在您的代码中,是否在使用df之前已经通过类似df = pd.read_csv(...)或df = pd.DataFrame(...)的语句正确地定义了它。 例如,如果您正在使用Jupyter Notebook,并且代码...
.load(current_index) return df df = get_raw_data(sqlCtx_shil,current_index,from_timestamp,to_timestamp) df.show(5, False) 来源:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66518717/jupyter-notebook-nameerror-name-is-not-defined 关注 举报暂无答案! 目前还没有任何答案,快来回答吧! 我来回答 相关问题...
Jupyter是一个开源的交互式计算环境,它支持多种编程语言,包括Python、R、Julia等。它的名称未定义可能是由于以下几个原因: 安装问题:如果在使用Jupyter时出现名称未定义的错误,可能是因为Jupyter没有正确安装或配置。在这种情况下,可以尝试重新安装Jupyter或检查配置文件是否正确。 内核问题:Jupyter使用内核来执行代码,如果...
Jupyter Notebook在线环境可以让用户编写Notebook,修改代码,并实时执行,查看结果。不过基于Web的编辑器,...
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这个“results”变量没有被定义。仔细检查检查,是不是变量名写错了或者直接使用了未定义的变量 ...
It is now read-only. name display is not defined #31ClosedDescription michaelaye openedon Mar 1, 2017 Trying out #30 I'm getting this error: I use jupyterlab and jupyterlab_geojson GH master with Python 3.5 via conda-forge Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. ...
A very strange error occurred with me today, I was trying running my jupyter notebook until one of my cell contained a code segment from a package named featuretools which uses dask, distributed and what not in its backend for processing... So upon running this line features = {'matrix...
jupyter notebook 中打开ipynb文件时报错 NameError: name 'true' is not defined 2018-08-20 19:28 −... crr121 0 3927 多线程启动selenium,报NameError: name '__file__' is not defined 2019-12-09 17:56 −将__file__加上单引号就解决了: # 获取当前文件名,用于创建模型及结果文件的目录 ...