EPA is proposing to significantly tighten its national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for lead in line with recommendations from its science advisors, but the agency's proposed method for measuring compliance with the standard - at odds with the advisors' suggestions - may lead to weaker ...
EPA has formally proposed to keep its national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for ozone unchanged at the levels set in 2015 by the Obama administration, setting the stage for a fight between public health advocates seeking tougher limits and industry groups opposing stricter standards as the...
EPA is soliciting public input on which studies it should include in its forthcoming statutory review of federal ozone limits, only days after announcing its decision to drop a reconsideration of Trump-era standards and to instead conduct a fresh assessment to support a regular five-year review th...
StateImplementation州级实施计划(SIP) Plans(SIP)Statesprepareplanstoquicklyattainthestandards,andtomaintainattainmentEPAreviewsandapprovestheSIPs各州制定旨在快速达标并保持达标状态的计划环保署审查和批准SIP NAAQS国家环境空气标准 EPAsetsnationalstandards forpollutantswithoutconsideringcost ...
EPA h 5、as established NAAQS for six pollutants:nozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, lead, and particulate matter (PM)n环保署 须每 5 年对各项标准执行一次审查,并根据需要进行修订n美国环保署的 国家环境空气质量标准 (NAAQS)n是针对以下 6 种污染物制定的:n臭氧、一氧化碳、...
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are air quality standards established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Clean Air Act.
美国国家空气质量标准(NAAQS)National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)The Clean Air Act, which was last amended in 1990, requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (40 CFR part 50) for pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment. The Clean Air Act ...
EPA staff’s just-released policy assessment (PA) detailing options for revising particulate matter (PM) ambient air standards recommends tightening the limits for fine particulate matter (PM2.5), posing a test for President Donald Trump’s deregulatory agenda as stricter standards would impose more ...
NationalAmbientAirQualityStandards (NAAQS) TheCleanAirAct,whichwaslastamendedin1990,requiresEPAtosetNationalAmbient AirQualityStandards(40CFRpart50)forpollutantsconsideredharmfultopublichealth andtheenvironment.TheCleanAirActestablishedtwotypesofnationalairqualitystandards. Primarystandardssetlimitstoprotectpublichealth,...
内容提示: National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) The Clean Air Act, which was last amended in 1990, requires EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards (40 CFR part 50) for pollutants considered harmful to public health and the environment. The Clean Air Act established two ...